雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月14日 · 鼠尾草的拉丁文名稱為「Salvia sclaria」,有療癒、拯救的意思,最常見的藥用鼠尾草成員一定要提及普通鼠尾草(Common Sage)、快樂鼠尾草(Clary Sage)和白鼠尾草(White Sage)。

  2. 2021年11月4日 · 快樂鼠尾草是一種草本植物。 為什麼叫快樂鼠尾草呢? 快樂鼠尾草的學名是Salvia Sclarea,而俗名為Clary,由拉丁文的「淨化(clarus)」演變而來,中世紀的藥草家稱它為「清徹之眼」,因為古早以前,人們會用快樂鼠尾草來清除眼睛內的異物,並認為它具有治療眼疾的效果。 話雖如此,絕對不要把精油滴到眼睛裡,以免造成視力受損! 而中文會叫做快樂鼠尾草,推論是與它的功效有關聯性,接下來就讓我們一起看看快樂鼠尾草令人快樂不已的功效吧! 快樂鼠尾草是乍看之下與薰衣草有點像呢~ 快樂鼠尾草精油功效1:幫助深層入眠. 快樂鼠尾草十分適合睡前使用,味道溫和清香,並且具有較為強烈的鎮靜效果。 能夠使平時處於快節奏的朋友們在睡前慢下腳步,放鬆心神,緩緩入眠。

    • Stress Reduction
    • Antibacterial Properties
    • Natural Antidepressant
    • Alleviation of Menopause Symptoms
    • Reducing Menstrual Cramps

    Aromatherapy uses the power of scent to calm the mind and reduce feelings of anxiety. Your olfactory system directly affects the part of your brain that regulates emotion. That’s why what you smell can trigger memories and elicit feelings, both negative and positive. When used in aromatherapy, clary sage oil can help alleviate stress by inducing a ...

    Clary sage oil in diluted form may have a positive impact upon some strains of bacteria. Researchers think it could be an effective treatment alone or in addition to traditional treatments for wound care. In one laboratory studyTrusted Source, clary sage oil helped heal severe dermatological infections caused by several strains of Staphylococcus ba...

    Clary sage has been tested on both animals and humans to determine its potential benefits as an antidepressant. One studyTrusted Source done on rats indicated that clary sage oil could be beneficial for depressionby acting as an anti-stressor. Another small studyTrusted Sourcewith menopausal women indicated that inhaled clary sage oil reduced corti...

    One component of clary sage oil is sclareol, which mimics the effects of estrogen in the body. For this reason, clary sage may be effective at reducing some of the symptoms of menopause. Some researchsuggests that diluted clary sage oil applied to the bottoms of the feet can reduce hot flashes.

    A small studyTrusted Source examined 48 women who experienced painful menstruation and cramps. Some of the women were given a cream containing clary sage oil and other essential oils to apply onto their lower abdomens daily, between menstrual cycles. The women who used the cream had a significant reduction in menstrual cramps than the control group...

    • Corey Whelan
  3. 2021年10月1日 · 快樂鼠尾草又稱麝香鼠尾草,是兩年或多年生的草本植物,只要土乾燥的地區幾乎都能生長。 種名Sclarea源自希臘語的「Skeria」,意為「堅硬」,因為快樂鼠尾草的藍白花瓣頂端有個硬塊。 快樂鼠尾草略帶紅色的莖幹能長到60公分高,其上頂著又大又皺的心形葉,從新鮮的藥草蒸餾出的精油,一般是產自法國和摩洛哥。 鐘形花萼上的朵朵唇形小花像隨風搖擺的催眠鈴,有很好的放鬆效果,用量上不需要貪多。 Table of Contents. 快樂鼠尾草精油檔案. 快樂鼠尾草精油的中醫屬性. 快樂鼠尾草精油功效之心靈療效. 快樂鼠尾草精油功效之身體療效. 快樂鼠尾草精油功效之皮膚療效. 快樂鼠尾草精油常見用法. 快樂鼠尾草精油使用注意事項與禁忌. 快樂鼠尾草精油檔案. 科屬:唇形科鼠尾草屬.

  4. Salvia sclarea, the clary or clary sage (clary deriving from Middle English clarie, from Anglo-Norman sclaree, from Late or Medieval Latin sclarēia meaning clear), is a biennial or short-lived herbaceous perennial in the genus Salvia. [1] It is native to the northern .

  5. Clary sage essential oil (Salvia sclarea) †100% 純精油. 建議用法. 使用方法. 於冥想或進行創作時擴香. 將已稀釋的2-3滴精油局部塗抹於腹部位置並按摩. 加入1-2滴精油在浴缸中,營造一個感覺寧靜靜及平和的浸浴. 擴香或在枕頭上滴入數滴,使睡眠更舒適. 加入數滴在您喜愛的無香味乳液並直接塗抹. 加入數滴在洗頭水中提升體驗. 在冥想或進行瑜伽練習時加入數滴在擴香機中擴香. 注意事項: 請放置在兒童觸及不到的地方。 僅限外用。 塗抹範圍需遠離眼睛及黏膜。 如你正在懷孕、哺乳、需要服用藥物或為長期病患者,使用前請諮詢專業醫務人員。 使用產品12小時內避免陽光或紫外線直射。 了解更多. 產品背景. 快樂鼠尾草源自歐洲。

  6. 2021年8月16日 · 關於快樂鼠尾草精油 Clary Sage 快樂鼠尾草為脣型科植物,花瓣似脣形開裂, 開紫、粉紅或白色花,花莖略帶紅色。 精油所含的化學分子超過 250 種以上, 因此氣味有許多層次感,具有類似麝香及琥珀的味道, 屬於較為強烈的氣味,富有生命原始氣息的精油。

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