雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Cocoon provides custom made & rental services for a whole range of wedding collection which include bridal gown, evening gown, cocktail dress, Chinese wedding gown, cheongsam, tuxedo as well as flower girl dress.

  2. 白皙皮膚嬌小的香港女生,穿上紅色晚裝做敬酒的環節,再配合現時很流行的紅唇妝容,適逢中秋,來一個red fusion mix collection。 敬酒紅晚裝的迷思,「紅」Fusion晚裝系列

  3. 都要讚吓佢地啲經驗,因為我晚裝响另一到租,相比之下,Cocoon真係好體貼好,仔細咁由裏面girdle開始點樣著然後點著,點樣著到個形出嚟,連點樣係叫著錯都會教埋妳!

  4. www.cocoonbridal.com › blog › tags晚裝


  5. Cocoon gowns are well presented by exquisite detailing, modern interpretation of classic lines, using high quality fabrics. Production of these beautiful gowns is carried out in HK by a team of experienced, professional tailors.

  6. 2011年6月7日 · 婚紗禮服 婚紗 晚裝 姊妹裙 裙褂 新娘鞋 男士禮服 造型/飾品 珠寶配飾 美妝護膚 髮型 瘦身 花球 Top MUA Steal Her Look 幸福日誌 【婚禮流程】完整版 優質婚禮商戶計劃 下載享同學會App ...

  7. Established in 2001, cocoon has become one of the leading names in the high ended bridal & evening wear market. cocoon provides custom made & rental services for a whole range of wedding collection. Cocoon gowns are well presented by exquisite

  8. Cocoon踏入13週年,對於新娘子追求的婚紗款式和品味自是瞭如指掌,經驗豐富亦勇於創新,不僅擅於製作獨一無二的婚紗晚裝,更為每件禮服投放無比心思,設計上源源注入時裝潮流元素,以高品質的物料營造時尚感,並保持傳統精緻剪裁,細節盡見精巧心思

  9. www.cocoonbridal.com › about-cocoonAbout Cocoon

    Established in 2001, Cocoon (繭 · 婚紗 · 香港) has become one of the leading names in the high ended bridal & evening wear market. Cocoon provides custom made & rental services for a whole range of wedding collection which include bridal gown, evening gown, cocktail dress, Chinese wedding gown, cheongsam, tuxedo as well as flower girl dress.

  10. 在香港有不少婚紗店其實都有提供租婚紗服務,而且當中不少款式更是名牌婚紗,新娘穿後能展現最美艷動人的氣息,而租借婚紗價錢由 $ 4000起,適合不同預算的新娘。

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