雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Established in 2001, Cocoon (繭 · 婚紗 · 香港) has become one of the leading names in the high ended bridal & evening wear market. Cocoon provides custom made & rental services for a whole range of wedding collection which include bridal gown, evening gown, cocktail dress, Chinese wedding gown, cheongsam, tuxedo as well as flower girl dress.

  2. 在香港有不少婚紗店其實都有提供租婚紗服務,而且當中不少款式更是名牌婚紗,新娘穿後能展現最美艷動人的氣息,而租借婚紗價錢由 $ 4000起,適合不同預算的新娘。

  3. 提起中式旗袍晚裝,不得不提香港明星們最愛的設計師DanieLeslie(帝傲婚紗品牌),筆下的設計全部新潮同時霸氣十足,為新娘打造一款獨一無二的婚紗晚裝,塑造出標準的曲線美。

  4. 都要讚吓佢地啲經驗,因為我晚裝响另一到租,相比之下,Cocoon真係好體貼好,仔細咁由裏面girdle開始點樣著然後點著,點樣著到個形出嚟,連點樣係叫著錯都會教埋妳!

  5. 2023年4月18日 · 尖沙咀租借婚紗店推介1:Gardenia Bridal. - 開業年份:2018年. - 可免費試身3件約1小時,可拍照. - 試身時段:星期一至日下午2-8時(請提早查詢及預約). - 租借婚紗價錢(包括的內容)試身後即時落訂即享20%off折扣. 婚紗 $5600up. 晚裝 $2500up. 租借2件婚紗可享25%off折扣 ...

  6. Cocoon Bridal提供定製和租借服務,包括婚紗晚裝,雞尾酒禮服,裙褂,旗袍,西裝,以及花童服裝。 價錢:租婚紗HK$4,580起,租晚裝HK$2,780起;訂製婚紗HK$20,000起,訂製晚裝HK$10,000起

  7. Established in 2001, cocoon has become one of the leading names in the high ended bridal & evening wear market. cocoon provides custom made & rental services for a whole range of wedding collection. Cocoon gowns are well presented by exquisite

  8. Cocoon踏入13週年,對於新娘子追求的婚紗款式和品味自是瞭如指掌,經驗豐富亦勇於創新,不僅擅於製作獨一無二的婚紗晚裝,更為每件禮服投放無比心思,設計上源源注入時裝潮流元素,以高品質的物料營造時尚感,並保持傳統精緻剪裁,細節盡見精巧心思

  9. Cocoon gowns are well presented by exquisite detailing, modern interpretation of classic lines, using high quality fabrics. Production of these beautiful gowns is carried out in HK by a team of experienced, professional tailors.

  10. www.cocoonbridal.com › blog › tags晚裝


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