Discover concise prescribing info for Codaewon topical on MIMS including its uses, special precautions, interactions, dosages etc.
咳敵王(Codaewon)是一款結合了多種活性成分的止咳化痰藥物,由Daewon Pharm生產,Firma Vai Hong和HealthCare PharmaScience負責分銷。 此產品主要用於治療痰性咳嗽,包含以下主要成分: 二氫可待因(Dihydrocodeine bitartrate): 鴉片類止痛藥,具有止咳作用。 癒創甘油醚(Guaifenesin): 化痰藥,幫助排出痰液。 DL-甲麻黃鹼(DL-methylephedrine HCl): 擬交感神經藥,用於減少氣道阻力。 氯苯那敏(Chlorpheniramine maleate): 第一代抗組織胺藥,用於減少過敏反應。 成分及作用機理. 每片咳敵王含有以下成分: 二氫可待因酒石酸鹽 5毫克. 癒創甘油醚 50毫克.
咳敵王(Codaewon)是一種複方藥物,用於緩解與呼吸系統疾病相關的咳嗽、痰多、流鼻水或鼻塞等症狀。 了解咳敵王的功效、用法、副作用及使用禁忌。
2024年6月11日 · 4類止咳化痰藥. 5大咳藥迷思. 5大食藥小貼士. –. 慎防止咳化痰變氣管炎. 大部分咳嗽的成因,都是受病毒感染,刺激呼吸道引致過敏情況,蘇曜華表示,「有時會分泌痰涎,有時無,即是我們講的乾咳。 喉嚨出現痕癢,就會刺激大腦中樞神經,作出一個條件反射,想清除喉嚨中的痰涎或不適,便會咳嗽。 」要治療咳嗽,最基本要分清屬乾咳還是痰咳。 大家要慎防止咳化痰變氣管炎(圖片來源:shutterstock) 招募合作夥伴! 參與《世一體驗館》計劃 獲得Sunday Kiss宣傳及更高曝光率. 提供試堂活動給Sunday Kiss讀者. 獲得Facebook + 文章介紹機構. 成爲Sunday Kiss合作夥伴. 立即參加. 資料由客戶提供. 藥物多功能合一或須承受副作用.
咳敌王(Codaewon)是一款结合了多种活性成分的止咳化痰药物,由Daewon Pharm生产,Firma Vai Hong和HealthCare PharmaScience负责分销。 此产品主要用于治疗痰性咳嗽,包含以下主要成分: 二氢可待因(Dihydrocodeine bitartrate): 鸦片类止痛药,具有止咳作用。
2024年7月23日 · Usage. What is Codaewon used for? Codaewon is used to alleviate respiratory symptoms such as: Cough. Excessive sputum production. Runny or stuffy/blocked nose. Sore throat /irritation. How do you use Codaewon? Availability: Codaewon is available in tablet and syrup form. Dosage information:
2024年11月1日 · -Over-the-Counter Medicines are in general medicines classified as Part 2 poison and 'Not a Poison'. For medicines which are classified as 'Not a Poison', they can be freely purchased from a pharmacy (Authorized Seller of Poisons), a medicine store (Listed Seller of Poisons), or any other non-licensed premises; whereas for Part 2 Poisons, they can be purchased only from a pharmacy or a ...
Codaewon is a cough suppressant and expectorant drug combining multiple active ingredients, produced by Daewon Pharm and distributed by Firma Vai Hong and HealthCare PharmaScience. This product is primarily used to treat phlegmy coughs and includes the following main ingredients:
2024年10月7日 · Purpose: - Pain reliever/fever reducer. - Nasal decongestant. - Expectorant. WARNINGS. Warnings: Liver warning: This product contains acetaminophen. Severe liver damage may occur if you take. • more than 8 doses in 24 hours, which is the maximum daily amount for this product. • with other drugs containing acetaminophen.
2021年10月29日 · For medicines which are classified as 'Not a Poison', they can be freely purchased from a pharmacy (Authorized Seller of Poisons), a medicine store (Listed Seller of Poisons), or any other non-licensed premises; whereas for Part 2 Poisons, they can be