雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 本中心教學設施一流,由勞工處認可、經驗豐富的導師執教課程。. 學員報名只須電話留位,省時方便,上課地點可選擇佐敦、觀塘、荃灣及元朗。. 密閉空間 (核准工人)續期,須在失效前六個月,或失效後三個月內。. 本公司提供多工種的職業培訓,如建造業 ...

  2. 1. Confined space workers or personnel who need to enter confined spaces. 2. Applicant should be lawfully employable in Hong Kong, i.e. (a) Holder of Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card; or (b) Person who is not subject to any conditions of stay in Hong

  3. 密閉空間合資格人士安全訓練課程. 密閉空間內往往潛伏各種危機 (例如:爆炸、貧氧、氣體中毒等致命的危害),所以進行密閉空間工作前,必須進行危害檢定及風險評估。. 本課旨為前線管理人員提供危害檢定、風險評估、安全工作程序、危機監察等技巧。.

  4. (CN)Safety Training Course for Competent Persons of Confined Spaces Operation. (Chinese version only) Reserve online (If online enrollment quota is full or you would like to arrange in-house training course, please contact 2311 3322 / 3106 2000.)

  5. Personnel who entering a confined space must have completed the “Safety Training Course for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation", and attend revalidation course every three years.

  6. Confined space is the enclosed environment (e.g. manhole, caisson, tunnel, pit, tank, boiler, etc.). Within the confined space, the workers may be threatened by the lethal hazards such as oxygen deficiency, toxic gas, fire, explosion, etc. This course aims to provide the basic safety knowledge of confined space working to the workers and make ...

  7. Safety Training Courses for Certified Workers of Confined Spaces Operation. List of Approved Training Course Providers. Safety Training Courses for Competent Persons of Confined Spaces Operation. List of Approved Training Course Providers. Others. Application Procedures and Approval Conditions.

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