雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Opening Hours. 11:30 am - 10:00 pm. (852) 2918 9660. Delivery/Takeaway Options. Established 1817, COVA, Milan’s dining brand set up its first shop beside the renowned La Scala Theatre. After WWII, COVA moved its flagship store to Via Montenapoleone, and quickly gained fame as a popular rendevzous for celebrities.

  2. COVA美食雲集Pacific Place 太古廣場. L2, 230. 營業時間. 11:30 am - 10:00 pm. (852) 2918 9660. 外賣/外送. 意大利高級餐飲品牌COVA誕生於1817年,取址米蘭的斯卡拉大劇院旁,當年是貴族、劇作家及詩人的聚腳地,可謂一個文化沙龍的縮影。 二戰之後,COVA遷址世界頂級時尚區中心的蒙特拿破崙大街,成為名人明星的時尚聚點。 COVA在香港屹立25年,為顧客呈獻經典意大利菜式、精緻蛋糕、甜點及多款由意大利空運抵港的朱古力和飲食精品。 前往商戶網站. 類型. 西方美食. 意式美饌. 咖啡店. 蛋糕美點. 甜點及糖果. L2. 查看商戶位置. 招牌菜式. 以嶄新角度體驗太古廣場. 了解更多. 你會感興趣的商戶.

  3. Cova 是歷史悠久的正宗意大利糕點及餐廳品牌,在香港亦已屹立30年,是典雅瑰麗的代名詞,所以佢既afternoon tea 絕對有保證~ 同朋友去咗金鐘太古廣場的分店,餐廳裝修保持一貫的優雅風格,黎得嘆下午茶,當然要點番個三層架afternoon tea set 啦。

  4. Cova Ristorante & Caffe 的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 金鐘金鐘道88號太古廣場3樓301號舖。. 主要菜式包括 Tea buffet, Mango Dome, 。.

  5. Cova Ristorante & Caffe (One Pacific Place)'s Address, Online Booking, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at Shop 230A, L2/F, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway Admiralty. This brand was founded in Milan, Italy in 1817.

  6. 营业时间. 11:30 am - 10:00 pm. (852) 2918 9660. 外卖/外送. 意大利高级餐饮品牌COVA诞生於1817年,取址米兰的斯卡拉大剧院旁,当年是贵族、剧作家及诗人的聚脚地,可谓一个文化沙龙的缩影。 二战之後,COVA迁址世界顶级时尚区中心的蒙特拿破崙大街,成为名人明星的时尚聚点。 COVA在香港屹立25年,为顾客呈献经典意大利菜式、精緻蛋糕、甜点及多款由意大利空运抵港的朱古力和饮食精品。 前往商户网站. 类型. 西方美食. 意式美馔. 咖啡店. 蛋糕美点. 甜点及糖果. L2. 查看商户位置. 招牌菜式. 以崭新角度体验太古广场. 了解更多. 你会感兴趣的商户.

  7. Book a reservation at COVA Ristorante & Caffe - Pacific Place. Located at Shop 230A, Level 2, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong, HK.

  8. Introduction. With the atmosphere of a private lounge and all the Cova style, our rooms host clients for breakfast, lunch, aperitifs and private events. The tables, inspired by the original ones, with comfortable seats in blue and gold velvet, alternate with spacious and comfortable sofas. District. Admiralty. Landmarks. Admiralty - Pacific Place.

  9. Restaurant Cova Ristorante & Caffe (Pacific Place)(香港),。DingingCity|鼎食聚,世界領先的餐飲指南和在線預訂平臺。

  10. Located in the beautiful Pacific Place it's a nice place whether we want to just order a cup of coffee, or pig out on the tea buffet filled with delicious cakes and savory sandwiches. Quality of coffee is good, I like their shakerato on a hot day.

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