雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Please note that not all programmes at the University conduct selection interviews before making an admission offer. Interview arrangements of specific programmes in 202 4 are listed below for reference.

  2. From the 2023 entry onwards, Medicine Programme will resume 100% in-person panel interviews unless under special circumstances (e.g. COVID-related). Virtual interviews are no longer guaranteed. The Faculty will monitor the COVID situation closely and make adjustment whenever necessary.

  3. 面試是中大醫學院最關鍵的收生環節之一,亦是一個寶貴平台讓醫學院和申請者互相評估,不少申請者會因面試而忐忑不安。 新一期電子版的校友刊物《吐露港上的醫行者》,專訪了五位中大的醫學生,解密面試過程及分享讀醫心得。 更多內容: http://bit.ly/3T1qtgW0:00 面試解密 0:16 點解你揀CU Medic...

  4. Based on students’ School Reference Index, students who have put MBChB and/or GPS as one of Band A choices will be shortlisted for early interviews in May/June. After the release of HKDSE results in late July, students achieving high total HKDSE score and have not been interviewed before will be selected for interview in August.

  5. www.themedicportal.com › application-guide › studying-medicineCUHK Medicine - The Medic Portal

    CUHK Medicine: How Will I Be Interviewed? From the 2023 entry onwards, Medicine Programme will resume 100% in-person panel interviews unless under special circumstances (e.g. COVID-related). Virtual interviews are no longer guaranteed. Interviews will be conducted around May to July and will last 15 minutes each.

  6. The six-year full-time MBChB programme has a unique SMART medical curriculum, allowing us to nurture competent and compassionate doctors who are amply qualified both to meet the challenges of modern-day healthcare and to serve the community with clinical excellence and passion. The SMART curriculum: Student-centred. Mentorship-based.

  7. Medic Interview由黎緊呢星期開始 大家Ready未🌟以上係medic過來人分享interview心路歷程同準備過程希望對你會有啟發💖🐵入U前盡最後一次力吧共勉之🌟-Notes:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15qBCpmNuDYn9xsvZRO...

  8. Curious about CUHK Medicine (MBChB) programme? Watch the following videos to explore: 1) CU Medicine - Faculty Overview from Virtual Information Day 2020 [3:05] in Cantonese 2) 自主學醫路‧興趣中學習 [2:55] in Cantonese 3) 自主學醫路‧跨專業副修 [2:21

  9. 2020年4月24日 · Follow me on Instagram @medicue In this video, I am going to discuss how to prepare the admission interview, no matter you are a DSE, IB, GCE, internal transfers, postgraduate, how it helps you...

  10. 2) I want to study here because: - CUHK is one of the best medical schools in the world - SMART curriculum - Good general education programme (renowned programme - gives me education beyond Medicine, better citizen in this community and awareness)

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