雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. As one of the largest used car trading network in Hong Kong, DCH Certified Used Car provides up to 6 months warranty and 60-month financial instalment plan, allowing you to enjoy a hassle-free used car trading experience.

  2. 最齊最大二手買賣網 逾500部優質真實車盤 - 大昌行認可二手車. 【🎊二十週年 全城慶賀🚗】 大昌行認可易手車現正推出盛大購車優惠 總值超過二百萬🎁. 立即瀏覽車款. 尊貴奢華. 精選揭背. 熱賣MPV. 歐美SUV. 智能電動. 罕有低咪.

  3. 大昌行認可二手擁有逾 500 部優質二手車可供選擇,所售出之車盤均由專業技師檢測,更可享長達 6 個月售後服務。. 多元車種包括:四門房車、開蓬車、揭背車、旅行車、SUV 及七人車等任君選擇,立即查看!.

  4. Established in 2004, with over centuries of used car trading experience, DCH Certified Used Car has become one of the largest used car centres in Hong Kong. Our new website is now showcasing more than 100 quality used car for immediate test drive and sale, providing you a hassle-free one-stop used car trading experience!

  5. DCH Certified Used Car 大昌行認可二手車. 21,452 likes · 185 talking about this. 成立於2004年,是全港最具規模的單一經營二手車中心之一,倉庫佔地逾4萬平方呎,同時存放超過五百部優質二手車以供比較。.

  6. To greatly enhance your car ownership experience, we are proud to unveil the Honda Certified Pre-owned program with DCH Quality Used Car since 2019. We ensure that all car lovers can still receive the best service, professional advice and reliable experience that they would expect when choosing Honda Certified Pre-Owned.

  7. 大昌行認可易手車成立於 2004 年,配合大昌行集團數十年汽車銷售及維修服務經驗,是全港最具規模的單一經營易手車中心之一。 全新網站備過百部優質易手車以供試駕及選購。 所出售之車輛保障服務亦貫穿整個銷售流程,由專業技師及服務團隊為 閣下確保每一部易手車均為優質之選,以一站式全方位支援服務讓您無後顧之憂。 商戶倉庫號碼. 預約服務時間. 星期一至日及公眾假期:10am-8pm. 電話. 2262 1118. 傳真. 2148 6996. 電郵. info@dchucc.com. 所有車盤. 重設. 品牌. 車型. 製造年份. 價格. 更多篩選條件. 搜尋. 預設排序. 大昌行認可易手車. JAGUAR 積架 I-PACE EV400 HSE. HK$468,000. HK$518,000.

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