雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 網上申請延長逗留期限﹝適用於外籍家庭傭工為同一僱主續約工作﹞. 分享:. 當你閱畢以下指示並備妥申請文件後,便可點擊以下連結以使用這項網上服務。. 網上申請續約. 申請提示. 使用這項網上申請服務前, 請預先把所需證明文件儲存為JPEG,PDF,GIF,PNG或 ...

  2. 2022年1月4日 · 外傭續約表格. 開始外傭續約步驟前,可先了解外傭續約需要填妥的申請表格,包括以下4份: 菲傭續約手續. 1. 填妥外傭續約表格. 根據上文,填妥4份外傭續約表格。

  3. The standard Employment Contract (ID 407) is the only contract acceptable to the Immigration Department, the Government of the HKSAR, whenever an application is made by an employer to employ a domestic helper from abroad. This contract is governed by Hong Kong laws, in particular, the Employment Ordinance (Chapter 57), the Immigration Ordinance ...

  4. 2023年2月10日 · 外傭自行續約文件. 為印傭合約續期需以下文件: 申請信,表明他們願意延續僱傭合約,且已達成之前合約的基本僱傭權利. 全新的家庭僱傭合約 (ID407) 已填好及簽好. 額外證明文件,例如家傭保險或醫療保險、之前的僱傭合約、及僱主和家傭身份證的副本. 外傭續約費用. 合約公證費用為港幣 $388,僱主必須繳付費用才可進行申請。 申請及處理需時. 續期申請需在現行合約過期前八星期遞交。 僱主及印傭需要預留十個工作天讓印尼駐港使館完成合約公證。 第二步 在香港入境處進行簽證申請.

  5. After receiving the collection letter, the applicant or employer (or authorised representative) should bring along the collection letter (and authorisation letter, if applicable) and the applicant's travel document to collect the extension label at the Foreign Domestic

  6. Action Plan to Tackle Trafficking in Persons and to Enhance Protection of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong Before Applying Contract Renewal with the Same Employer

  7. First, you need to collect the ID407 standard contract form from the Indonesian Consulate in Hong Kong. If you are not available, your domestic helper can pick up the set too. The Consulate's address and contact information is given below: Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong.

  8. Under exceptional circumstances, either the employer or the foreign domestic helper may terminate the employment contract without notice or payment in lieu of notice. An employer may summarily dismiss a foreign domestic helper without notice or payment in lieu of notice if the helper, in relation to his/her employment:-.

  9. You can use this online service if you are a foreign domestic helper who wants to apply for completion of the remaining period of the current contract. However, you are not eligible to use the service if:

  10. A sample can be found below. Passport details: A photocopy or the original document of the domestic helper's passport is mandatory. Current employment agreement: You must provide a copy or the original document of the presently active contract that was signed at the commencement of the helper’s employment.