雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Our Wheat Beers. We’re driven to craft beers that reflect our heritage and our lifestyle. Born and raised in the Alps, our wheat beers are an invitation to experience the pure and rich taste of alpine nature. Discover More.

  2. 2022年3月10日 · 啤酒界的香檳! Edelweiss艾德懷斯「白啤酒」以阿爾卑斯山純淨水源釀造,豐富花果香超順口. Edelweiss艾德懷斯白啤酒不只香氣迷人,泡沫也超細緻! By Ray Lee Published: 2022/03/10. Edelweiss. 啤酒不只深受男性喜愛,充滿多層次香氣與清爽的「白啤酒」更是許多女性享受微醺時光的首選!...

  3. So, to help you experience that fresh, natural and playful feeling no matter where you are, we’ve crafted Edelweiss, a delicate wheat beer with a naturally cool alpine spirit. Born in the heights of the Austrian Alps, Edelweiss is still crafted according to a brewing tradition of the 17th century.

  4. Born in the heights of the Austrian Alps, Edelweiss’ traditional heritage can be traced back to 1646, making it one of the world’s first wheat beers. Discover more Navigation

  5. 2022年3月9日 · Edelweiss 艾德懷斯小白花」頂級白啤酒是引領潮流的現代白啤;除了堅守白啤酒的釀造工法,採用優質的小麥及純淨水源,與傳統白啤最大的差異就是在熟成階段加入了阿爾卑斯山草本植物,如鼠尾草、鳶尾根和接骨木花,打造出滑順、清爽不膩並富有獨特花果尾韻的酒體,就像是「啤酒界的香檳」,風味廣受全球女性消費者及頂級啤酒飲用者喜愛。

  6. 2023年4月29日 · 擁有歐洲「啤酒界香檳」美名的小白花艾德懷斯Edelweiss 頂級白啤酒也跟上風味啤酒風潮,推出「輕奢蜜桃」及「繽紛莓果」口味,並於信義區微風松 ...

  7. This wheat beer tradition was reborn in 1986 when we created Edelweiss Wheat. Our beers are inspired by the rarity and preciousness of the unique Edelweiss alpine flower, a symbol of passion, courage and dedication.

  8. acc-www.edelweissbeer.com › global › enWhere are you located?

    So, to help you experience that fresh, natural and playful feeling no matter where you are, we’ve crafted Edelweiss, a delicate wheat beer with a naturally cool alpine spirit. Born in the heights of the Austrian Alps, Edelweiss’ traditional heritage can be traced back to 1646, making it one of the world’s first wheat beers.

  9. 2022年3月16日 · Edelweiss艾德懷斯小白花」頂級白啤酒,因為有清爽不厚重的口感,及富有微妙層次的花果香味,因此不論是與西式鹹食、甜點、下午茶、輕食甚至 ...

  10. 2012年8月13日 · Aug. 13. 2012. 作者: 劍心. 早前應Heineken代理公司邀請出席活動,主題是來自奧地利亞爾卑斯的白啤「Edelweiss」,到底什麼是白啤?. 加入了雪绒花會讓味道變得怎樣清新?. 喜愛啤酒有淡香會細緻品嚐的女生特別要留意,這可能是最適合妳的啤酒選擇 ...

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