雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年5月31日 · 政府今日(五月三十一日)在「2022保就業」網站( www.ess.gov.hk )公布首批已領取工資補貼的僱主資料,包括其名稱、核心業務、五月工資補貼金額及承諾聘用的僱員人數。. 政府會在批核更多申請後持續更新名單及相關資料。. 政府發言人表示:「『2022保就業 ...

  2. 2022年5月31日 · The remaining successful applicants will receive notifications via SMS message and email in batches, and can log in to the 2022 ESS website to check the detailed application results. Applicants will normally receive the subsidies seven working days after receiving the notifications."

  3. 2022年5月10日 · The Government will notify the first batch of around 45 000 employers of their successful applications for the 2022 Employment Support Scheme (2022 ESS) starting from today (May 10). Applicants can log in to the 2022 ESS website to check the amount of wage subsidy granted and the committed employee headcount during the subsidy period.

  4. 香港特別行政區政府在「防疫抗疫基金」下推出「2022保就業」計劃(計劃),向僱主提供為期三個月(即2022年5月、6月和7月)的工資補貼,以協助他們保留現時僱員,甚至在疫情許可的情況下重振業務時增聘員工。. 合資格的自僱人士亦可申請一筆過資助 ...

  5. 2022年5月31日 · 2022保就業計劃公布首批領取工資補貼的僱主名單。 至今約77,000名僱主獲發5月份工資補貼,金額52億元、承諾受薪僱員約665,000人。 政府表示,計劃透明度高,便利公眾監察。

  6. 2022年5月31日 · The Government today published the list of the first batch of employers who have received wage subsidies in the 2022 Employment Support Scheme (ESS). So far, about 77,000 employers have had their wage subsidies for May approved, involving a total of $5.2 billion in subsidies.

  7. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has launched the 2022 Employment Support Scheme (“the Scheme”) under the Anti-epidemic Fund to provide wage subsidies to employees for three months (i.e. May, June and July 2022) to retain their