粉嶺站 - Fanling Station. 簡介: 粉嶺站為現時東鐵線 的車站,. 此站位於北區粉嶺粉嶺名都商場對面。. 粉嶺站附近是多個屋苑及商場,更有著名的蓬瀛仙館,每逢清明節及重陽節,也有不少人到此拜祭,固人流極高。. 中文名稱. 粉嶺.
Tai Wo to Fanling. MTR/AP/1654. Tai Wo to Fanling. MTR/AP/1655. Fanling Station. MTR/AP/1656. Fanling to Sheung Shui. Railway Protection,Monitoring,Protection Boundary,Construction Proposal,Depots.
粉嶺站(英語: Fanling Station )是一個位於香港 新界 北區 粉嶺,屬於港鐵 東鐵綫的鐵路車站,於1910年10月1日啟用,與沙田站和旺角東站同為香港三座最早啟用而仍然提供鐵路服務的三個車站之一。
粉嶺站(Fanling Station)為港鐵東鐵綫的一個地面車站,位於新界北區粉嶺粉嶺車站路與粉嶺公路之間、鄰近粉嶺名都與蓬瀛仙館,於1910年10月1日啟用。 此站與沙田站及旺角東站同為香港最早啟用,而且現時仍然提供鐵路服務的重鐵車站。
Fanling (Chinese: 粉嶺; Cantonese Yale: Fánléhng) is a station on the East Rail line of the Hong Kong MTR. It is next to Fanling Town Centre, and is only a short walk away from Fung Ying Seen Koon, a well-known Taoist temple. The Fanling Highway was built ,
Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on most station concourses. Station layouts are also available.
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