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    • 1. 第一次世界大戰(1914-1918)

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  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › World_War_IWorld War I - Wikipedia

    It was the first major war in which the newly established countries fought, and it was one of the first times that Australian troops fought as Australians, not just subjects of the British Crown, and independent national identities for these nations took hold.

  3. 2024年7月2日 · 第一次世界大戰 (簡稱 一戰 ,或稱 歐戰 )是一場於1914年7月28日至1918年11月11日主要發生在 歐洲 的大戰。 然而當時的歐洲列強互相牽扯下,戰火最終延燒至全球,當時世界上大多數國家都被捲入這場戰爭中。 大量新式戰術、科技與武器被初次廣泛運用在這場戰爭中,包括新近發明的飛機、塹壕戰、化學武器等,導致這場戰爭在損失程度上超過了之前所有的軍事衝突。 在1914年,歐洲各大列強分裂為兩個陣營:由 法國 、 英國 與 俄國 在1907年組成的 三國協約 ,由 德國 、 奧匈帝國 與 義大利 組就的 三國同盟 。 1914年6月28日,奧匈帝國的儲君 斐迪南大公 與其妻被 塞爾維亞民族主義者 在視察過程中刺殺 ,奧匈帝國隨後強烈譴責了 塞爾維亞 ,導致了 七月危機 。

  4. 5 天前 · World War I was one of the great watersheds of 20th-century geopolitical history. It led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties (in Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey ), resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, in its destabilization of European society, laid the groundwork for World War II.

  5. 2009年10月29日 · World War I, also known as the Great War, started in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His murder catapulted into a war across Europe that lasted until...

  6. 3 天前 · 1921年8月24日签署 美国-奥地利和约 (英语:U.S.–Austrian Peace Treaty (1921)) (3年8个月2周又3天) [t] [u] 1921年8月25日签署 美国—德国和约 (4年4个月2周又5天) [v] 1921年8月29日签署 美国-匈牙利和约 (英语:U.S.–Hungarian Peace Treaty (1921)) (3年8个月3周又1天 ...

  7. 1914. 邊境戰役·列日戰役·策爾戰役·坦能堡战役·入侵塞尔维亚·第一次马恩河战役·阿拉斯战役(英语:Battle of Arras (1914))·薩利卡米什戰役·青島戰役·加利西亚战役·第一次马祖尔湖战役(英语:First Battle of the Masurian Lakes)·科盧巴拉河戰役(英语 ...

  8. World War I (1914–18), also called the First World War or Great War, was the most deadly and destructive war the world had ever seen to that time. On June 28, 1914, Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated by a Bosnian Serb nationalist, leading Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia on July 28.

  9. www.britannica.com › discover › World-War-IWorld War I | Britannica

    Four great empires—the Hohenzollern, the Habsburg, the Romanov, and the Ottoman —fell, and the intercontinental movement of troops helped fuel the deadliest influenza pandemic in history. The ripple effects of the war, from the Great Depression, to World War II, to the Cold War, continue to be felt today.

  10. The general public’s understanding of the First World War continues to be shaped by the Western Front, images of endless trenches, positional warfare, and the industrial battles of attrition at Somme and Verdun. In academic history, too, the predominant perspective on the war is still that of Central and Western Europe.

  11. International Encyclopedia of the First World War is the largest digital English-language reference work on the First World War. The multi-perspective, peer-reviewed, open-access knowledge base is the result of an international collaborative project involving more than 1,200 authors, editors and partners from over 50 countries.

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