雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. An FDH with 3 but less than 12 months' service in a leave year (i.e. every 12 months after the commencement of employment) is also entitled to pro-rata annual leave pay. Click here to know more about paid annual leave.

  2. 2024年9月11日 · 外傭年假計算方法非常簡單,外傭有薪年假由7天起跳,並逐年遞增至最多14天。 另外,只要外傭工作滿3個月,即使工作未滿一年,僱主亦應按比例給予外傭有薪年假。 外傭有薪年假計算方法如下: 若外傭年假已累積至10天以上而外傭又同意,僱主亦可以款項代替放不完的年假。 外傭休息日. 除有薪年假外,按《僱傭條例》,外傭每7天亦可享有不少於1天(24小時)的休息日。 僱主可自行與工人姐姐決定每月哪些日子為她的休息日。 若休息日並非固定日子,例如並非每逢星期日,僱主則必須在每月初通知外傭她該月的休息日。 除此以外,若外傭法定假期剛好與休息日重疊,僱主亦必須於假期翌日補假給外傭。

  3. 2024年10月20日 · You are entitled to at least 1 rest day in every period of 7 days, statutory holidays and paid annual leave. Employers cannot compel you to work during your rest day and holidays or make any form of payment to you in lieu of granting statutory holiday.

  4. 2024年1月3日 · The number of annual days that a helper should receive depends on the years she has worked for you. A domestic worker is entitled to a paid annual leave after every 12 months with the same employer. The first 2 years, the number of holidays are 7, after which one more day is added, with the maximum days capped at 14.

  5. 根據《僱傭條例》,外籍家庭傭工可享有休息日、法定假日和有薪年假,以下是不同假期的日數: 休息日. 每7天工作可享有至少1 天休息日. 法定假日. 除了休息日外,每年可享有13天的法定假日. 有薪年假. 除了休息日和法定假日外,外傭每工作滿12個月後,便可享有至少7天有薪年假. 法定假日 VS 公眾假期. 對於外傭來說,法定假日和公眾假期有什麼不同? 法定假日(又稱勞工假期),顧名思義是法定、強制性的假期,即僱主必須讓外傭(不論服務年資的長短)放的假期。 除法定假日外,香港還有其他公眾假期(又稱銀行假),包括: 每個星期日. 耶穌受難日. 耶穌受難節翌日.

  6. Foreign Domestic Helpers - Rights and Protection under the Employment Ordinance on Rest days, Statutory holidays and Paid annual leave

  7. Q10:I intend to employ a foreign domestic helper (FDH) from overseas, what is the current minimum allowable wage (MAW) for foreign domestic helpers?

  8. Paid annual leave Under the Employment Ordinance, the Helper is entitled to annual leave with pay within a period of 12 months following completion of 1 year's service.

  9. The Government has permitted foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) to work in Hong Kong since the 1970's to meet the shortage of local full-time live-in domestic helpers. The arrangement is in line with the fundamental principle of the Government's labour policy that

  10. Hiring Foreign Domestic Helpers (FDHs) Who is eligible to hire an FDH? Where to look for FDHs? How much will it cost to hire an FDH? What is the scope of duties of an FDH? Are there any restrictions? What are employers’ obligations under labour legislation, Race Discrimination Ordinance and taxation?