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  1. www.harbourcity.com.hk › en › shopFRED - Harbour City

    The French High Jewelry Maison FRED was founded in 1936 in Paris by Fred Samuel. Inspired by the luminous and joyful personality of its founder and imbued with the French Riviera spirit, its collections are an invitation to celebrate small and big moments of life.

  2. A piece of jewellery by FRED puts a twinkle in the eye that lights up life's great occasions and quiet moments. We propose remote sales service with our boutiques' team. Please contact directly your local boutique.

  3. 法國蔚藍海岸以風景秀麗著稱, FRED 斐登誠邀您走進這片永恆美麗的風景之中,共享生命與陽光。. 近九十年來, 一直以精湛的工藝和專業知識不斷將其創始人 的個性與遠見發揚光大。. 從他溫暖、關懷的靈魂,到他對光的無盡熱愛,以及對「樂享生活」(joie de ...

  4. There are 3 FRED jewellery store locations in Hong Kong for the French brand, including one at Harbour City’s Ocean Terminal (3-27 Canton Road) and another within Elements shopping centre (1 Austin Road West).

  5. www.elementshk.com › tch › elementsFRED│ELEMENTS 圓方

    法國現代珠寶品牌FREDFred... 顯示更多. 1936年FRED在巴黎創立。 品牌一直將自然光線和美麗的法國蔚藍海岸視為永不枯竭的靈感源泉。 如今,FRED繼續毫無保留地傾吐對寶石、珍珠以及瀲灩金光的熱愛。 FRED優雅歡樂且創意獨具的風格通過Force 10、Pain de Sucre和Baie des Anges等品牌標誌性系列傑作得到完美體現。

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. 被譽為「the Sunshine Jeweler陽光珠寶商」的FRED自1995年成為LVMH集團旗下一員。 CLUB ic 尊貴獎賞 出示您的會員卡獲享專屬購物禮遇!

  8. FRED. The French High Jewelry Maison FRED was founded in 1936 in Paris by Fred Samuel. Inspired by the luminous and joyful personality of its founder and imbued with the French Riviera spirit, its collections are an invitation to celebrate small and big moments of life.

  1. fred jewellery hong kong 相關

  2. 提供酒店級會所設施及穿梭巴士服務,傢俬電器齊備,更設有備餐間。 租期靈活,毋須按金,即租即住,立即入住體驗星級酒店會所設施