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  1. Centaline Property provides latest residential properties information about Grand Promenade of Sai Wan Ho, including estate details, locations, facilities and transportation, as well as transaction records and listing details of Grand Promenade.

  2. 嘉亨灣 位於港島 西灣河 太康街38號,發展商為恆基兆業,於2005年6月開始落成,由5座樓宇組成,共有2,020個單位。 實用面積為293至2,170平方呎,屋苑內設有會所、泳池、兒童設施、運動設施、娛樂設施、餐飲設施、美容/保健、休閒區;交通便利,步行至港鐵時間約6分鐘,小學校網在14區,中學校區在東區。 放售. 33. 放租. 27. 最新成交. 1 /69. 全部. 影片. 大廈. 會所. 大堂. 設施. 周邊環境. 商場. 交通. 大廈外觀圖. 顯示更多. 售盤及租盤. 嘉亨灣. 售 $938 萬元. 498 呎 2 -- 向西南. 嘉亨灣~星級屋苑. 售 $1,088 萬元. 493 呎 2 1. 嘉亨灣1座中層H室. 售 $1,650 萬元. 658 呎 3 2 向西北.

  3. Grand Promenade is located at 38 Tai Hong Street, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong Island. The developer is HENDERSON, the Occupation date starts from June 2005. It consists of 5 buildings with a total of 2,020 residential units.

  4. Estate Overview. 屋苑前臨港島東海岸線,真正沿海濱而建,五幢住宅大樓採用全方位向海排列,擁覽近270° 維港兩岸壯闊景致。 屋苑九成以上單位(包括低至住宅首層之單位)可欣賞中環、尖沙咀、鯉魚門或港島東不同角度之優美海景。 此外,屋苑更於各住宅大樓之47樓闢建海天空中花園,讓住客隨時感受維港海天一色及朝輝晚霞優美景致。 屋苑位處港島東交通樞紐,鄰近西灣河渡輪碼頭,並可駕車沿東區走廊接連多條主要幹線及東區海底隧道,頃刻暢達各地。 配合附近完善之交通設施如渡輪、巴士、小巴及電車等,盡享無限方便。 屋苑旁建有港島東區「SOHO」 Date of Occupation Permit. 2005-05. Walking to Sai Wan Ho Station.

  5. Centaline Property Hong Kong provides search results related to Grand Promenade (Sai Wan Ho), including the newest listings for sale/ rent, transaction records, videos and property news of Grand Promenade (Sai Wan Ho), in order to provide a full

  6. Find property for sale in Grand PromenadeTower 6 High Floor・FLAT F by Centaline Property's most uncluttered property portal with VR360 video.

  7. Grand Promenade - Hong Kong Property residential ebook providing latest residential properties information for Grand Promenade, including the information of property, estate location, facilities, transportation, size, floor plan etc.

  8. GRAND PROMENADE is steps away from the Sai Wan Ho waterfront on HK Island. At its base is the Public Transport Terminus while the MTR station is a 7-minute walk away. Completed in 2005 by Henderson Land Development, there are 5 residential towers (Tower 4 omitted) in a L-shape built upon the base with a total of 2,020 apartments.

  9. The Grand Promenade is a complex consisting of 5 high rise building, completed in 2005 with high standard finishes and efficient layout. Size of units ranges from 500sq.ft. to 3,000 sq.ft. Conveniently located in Quarry Bay, close to TaiKooShing shopping arcade, restaurants and shops are nearby too.

  10. The Grand Promenade (simplified Chinese : 嘉亨湾; traditional Chinese : 嘉亨灣; Jyutping : ga1 hang1 waan1) is a high-rise residential development located at 38 Tai Hong Street, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. It is developed by Henderson Land Development and its subsidiary, The Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Co Ltd. in 2005.

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    grand promenade