雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 砍去
    • 2. 惹惱
  2. unhappy, tired, or annoyed, especially because of the situation you are in. (因處於某種境地而)不高興的,不滿意的,生氣的. She's getting a bit hacked off with all the travelling she has to do. 她對那些不得不去的出差感到有些厭煩了。 (hacked off在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) C1. hacked off 的翻譯. 中文(簡體) (因处于某种境地而)不高兴的,不满意的,生气的… 查看更多內容. 西班牙語. harto… 查看更多內容. 葡萄牙語. farto, cheio…

  3. HACK翻譯:切, 砍,切,劈, (足球或橄欖球運動中)將(球)踢出;踢(人)犯規, 電腦技術, 未經允許侵入他人的電腦系統(來竊取資訊或從事非法勾當), 未經允許侵入他人的電話系統(特別是用來竊聽對話)…。

  4. The polar explorer hacked off his gangrenous finger with a penknife. 极地探险者用小刀切下了他那生了坏疽的手指。 hack [sb] off vtr phrasal sep slang (irritate, anger) SC Simplified Chinese 激怒, 使…生气 The way he talks down to me really hacks me off!

  5. If you hack something off, you cut it off with strong, rough strokes using a sharp tool such as an axe or knife. Kim even hacked off her long hair. [ VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun) ]

  6. 砍 [kǎn] 名词 [count] (pejorative: writer) 雇佣文人 [gùyōng wénrén] to hack (away) at sth with a knife 用刀乱砍某物 [yòng dāo luànkǎn mǒuwù] to hack (one’s way/a path) through the jungle 从丛林中开出条路来 [cóng cónglín zhōng kāichū tiáo lù lái] to hack sb to death 乱刀砍死某人 [luàndāo ...

  7. adj. 非常惱火的. 牛津中文字典. hack off. vt. 砍去. 牛津中文字典. hack sth. off sth. ph. 砍掉某物 hack a leg off the carcass 從動物的屍體上砍下一隻腿. Dr.eye 譯典通片語.

  8. hacked off中文意思:adj. 極其惱怒 …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋hacked off的中文翻譯,hacked off的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。

  9. He leaves all the difficult stuff for me to do, and it really hacks me off. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語 Causing feelings of anger and displeasure

  10. hack ... off 中文. 發音: "hack ... off"怎麼讀. 中文翻譯 手機版. hack off. 砍斷,砍掉: He resolutely hacked off the cable and the sail slipped down. 他果斷地砍斷了纜繩,主帆滑落了下來。 She hacked off a piece of meat and handed it to me. 她砍下一塊肉遞給了我。 "hack off" 中文翻譯 : (揮刀)砍斷. "hack a leg off the carcass" 中文翻譯 : 從動物的尸體上砍下一只腿. "hack" 中文翻譯 : vt. 1.亂劈,亂砍。 2.平 (地),翻 (地),耙 (地),碎土播 (種) (in)。

  11. hack someone off. phrasal verb with hack verb uk / hæk / us / hæk /. mainly UK informal. Add to word list. Add to word list. to make someone feel annoyed. 激怒(某人). He leaves all the difficult stuff for me to do, and it really hacks me off. 他把所有的難題都留給我,真把我惹惱了。.