雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Healthy Lifestyle Programme (HLS) is a set of courses and activities covering different dimensions of health that aims to help you build up a healthy lifestyle, which is an important and positive aspect to promote success in the university.

  2. The Healthy Lifestyle Programme (HLS) is a set of courses and activities covering different dimensions of health that aims to help you build up a healthy lifestyle, which is an important and positive aspect to promote success in the university. Details of the programme requirements could be found here.

  3. The Healthy Lifestyle Programme (HLS) is a non-credit bearing component of the General University Requirements (GUR) which all students from the 4-Year Degree programmes must complete. The programme aims to introduce the concepts of health and engage you in establishing a healthy lifestyle.

  4. 1. PE courses. Not only is engaging in sports fun and beneficial to your health, but it also helps you relax and develop your concentration, perseverance, and team spirit. Thus, we offer different kinds of Physical Education (PE) activities to enhance your holistic development. PE courses are non-compulsory and non-credit bearing.

  5. 身心健康. 體格健康. 健康提升計劃旨在透過提供多元化的健康及運動知識、資源及技能,向你宣揚健康的生活方式、提高或維持最佳的身體健康指導,同時也建立一個健康及活力的校園環境。 體育課程. 1.體育課. 體育課是不帶學分的非必修科。 每個課程為期4至6個星期,每週上課1至2小時。 上學年開辦的課程包括瑜珈、爵士舞、羽毛球、泰拳、詠春、網球、社交舞及劍撃。 多運動不單止有趣及對健康有益,亦能幫助你放鬆及提升專注力、毅力及團體精神。 所以我們提供不同種類的體育活動,以提升同學的全人發展。 2.健身入門課程. 第一次使用健身中心前,學生必須先修畢兩小時課程,學習正確使用健身器材,及體適能一般原理。 3.體育比賽. 我們亦會舉辦不同的體育比賽,助同學發展團隊合作、人際關係及溝通技巧。

  6. The Health Promotion Programme is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle by equipping you with the knowledge and skills you need to improve or maintain optimal physical wellness. A series of events are organised for students and staff, including: Basketball Tournament. "Day Day Fit" App. Health Newsletter. New Sports Activities.

  7. 有好多人pm我,問點樣reg healthy lifestyle 去POSS 個網就可以reg,仲可以揀自己得閒嘅時間 傳送門: https://www40.polyu.edu.hk/saoposs/secure/classes?actyTitle=Healthy+Lifestyle+Introductory+Lecture&isRegistration=true&resultIndex=0 #大學

  8. 今日第一堂healthy lifestyle唔記得左去上🥲係咪之後都唔洗去上啦?🥲🥲 - 香港理工大學,polyu,Reg科,poly

  9. The Healthy Lifestyle Programme is tailor made for our students who can firstly get to know how fit you are, then acquire the basic knowledge and theories of exercise & sports so that you can then take part in the practicum lessons such as “Fitness

  10. www40.polyu.edu.hk › poss › securePOSS

    Welcome to the PolyU Online Student Services (POSS). POSS is an integrated platform managed by Student Affairs Office (SAO). Through POSS, you can : sign up for co-curricular activities. check details of Extra-Curricular Enrichment for Lifelong Learners (EXCELL) courses and register for them.

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