雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. There are 1 971 seats in the two-tier auditorium. The hall is finished in high quality oak and fitted with adjustable acoustic canopy and curtains to ensure quality acoustics effect. Installed behind the open stage is a 93-stop, 8 000-pipe Austrian organ, one of the largest mechanical tracker action organs in the world.

  2. Title seating plan_web_CH_20200331 Created Date 3/31/2020 4:16:52 PM

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  4. Kwai Tsing Theatre. All seat plans in this website are created by Chinese Acrobat 4.0 (PDF format). Please download the latest version of the Acrobat Reader (Traditional Chinese) if forms cannot be read.

  5. seating plan web CH before1Sep20. Title. seating plan_web_CH_before1Sep20. Created Date. 3/31/2020 4:45:37 PM.

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  6. HKCC CH Seating Plan Editable 24052024. Title. HKCC_CH_Seating Plan Editable_24052024. Created Date. 5/27/2024 12:13:07 PM.

  7. To cater for performing arts of all variety, the Centre is designed to house three major performing halls, namely the Concert Hall, the Grand Theatre and the Studio Theatre. There is also an Exhibition Gallery and four foyer exhibition areas.

  8. 24 & 25 SEP. 樂季揭幕:梵志登 | 貝七. Season Opening: JAAP | Beethoven 7. 梵志登 | 德伏扎克七. JAAP | Dvořák 7. 寧峰的梁祝. Ning Feng Plays Butterfly Lovers. 22 & 23 OCT. 10 & 11 DEC. 侏羅紀公園音樂會. Jurassic Park in Concert. 米諾:結他巨星. MILOŠ: Master of the Guitar. 舞台 STAGE. 其他音樂會. Other concerts. 舞台 STAGE. 堂座一 堂座二. 樓座 y. 堂座一 堂座二. 樓座 y. 荃灣大會堂演奏廳. 17 & 18 SEP. 26 NOV.

  1. hk cultural centre concert hall seating plan 相關

  2. Renowned for its passionate performances and innovative programming. Performs year-round with over 100 performances.

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