雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我對HKCA PLK的印象不錯,師生比例亦低,校長也有經驗,但考慮到升中學的出路又有些保留。. 請問有冇子女正就讀HKCA可分享一下計劃?. 都唔擔心,而家咁多新國際學校,而且expat 都會返老家。. 只要佢本身讀緊國際,應該都唔難搵. 我對HKCA PLK的印象不錯,師生 ...

  2. Hkca PLK many students will study abroad, FYI - PTA has collected information about our G5 graduates placement and offers received : Secondary placements of our G5 graduates (2019-20) are as follows : 1. Elsa High School (4) 2. Island School (1)

  3. 2017年5月15日 · HKCA Po Leung Kuk school Interview. 106heyhey. 洋房. 52. 發表於 17-5-15 10:07 | 顯示全部帖子. 有冇家長收到interview e mail?

  4. 2020年12月1日 · 中文分三個pathway,我覺得中文課程幾好,生動有趣,訓練小朋友自己思考,搜集資料,不過就唔清楚其他同學有冇外補。. 我覺得新校長和舊校長各方面都相似,都非常親民呀。. 我們一家都好滿意停課的安排,上堂氣氛好開心,小朋友都投入學習,功課自己亦 ...

  5. 2023年4月11日 · As you move up the grades, there are less and less students (because most of them transferred to other schools with a throughtrain to secondary school). If I had to summarize my entire experience, I would say that the low tuition fee reflects the overall school environment quite well. HKCA PLK is a non-profit school and therefore tuition is low.

  6. 2022年4月12日 · My friend’s kids are in HKCA Grade 1 now. First term, she told me there isn’t much homework. - English worksheet for making simple sentence. - Chinese worksheet but once a while. - reading apps for English & Chinese that encourages kids to do it everyday. - Math app. There is no test nor exam for HKCA.

  7. 一間係國際學校,一間係傳統學校,好唔同呢,相信唔難抉擇。. 你可以諗下,希望小朋友有個點嘅童年,培養啲咩能力同性質,廿年後嘅世界又需要咩人才。. HKCA PLK係IB課程,play-based, inquiry-based,重啟發,俾小朋友自己探索搵答案、研究,重培養小朋友創意 ...

  8. HKCA PLK School ,新校行IB 五年小學,冇中學 老師很nice 返回頂部 Osiana 大宅 2528 ...

  9. 2021年9月16日 · 我小朋友讀HKCA PLK K1,小朋友好鍾意返學,每日都好多唔同嘢玩,有趣、有創意、多元化,真係玩住學。幼稚園有獨立戶外playground ,都會放唔同嘢出黎玩,如沙池、三輪車、籃球、足球、玩水、用顏料油啲透明交板等。中文堂都教得好好,有趣、有

  10. Is PLK Grade is similar to local school, so G1 = P1, ...., G5 = P5, so upon graduation, students will transfer to Year 7 of IS, and if the school is IB, then will be G6? 返回頂部 tultul1