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  1. www.hkcgi.org.hk › studentship › examinationExamination - HKCGI

    All examination papers are of three (3) hours duration (plus 15 minutes reading time). The total marks for a paper is 100. Please click HERE for examination paper structure and format of each module. Grades and results. Candidates will usually be notified of their results within ten weeks after the conclusion of the examinations.

  2. Access the past examination papers, click HERE. Got Questions? Visit our FAQs or contact the Qualifications and Assessments Section: 2881 6177 or email: student@hkcgi.org.hk

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  4. 香港公司治理公会(公会) (The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute, HKCGI) ,前身为“香港特许秘书公会 (The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, HKICS)”,是一家在中国香港及内地专门为公司治理专业人士颁授“特许秘书”及“公司治理师”专业资格的专业机构,这两 ...

  5. The HKICS Corporate Governance Paper Competition 2021 is now open to enrolment. The theme of the competition is: ‘Is it possible to tie governance with a sense of purpose given the myriad of stakeholders’ interests?’. The top six teams are awarded attractive prizes.

  6. The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute (HKCGI), formerly known as The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS), is the only qualifier of the internationally recognised Chartered Secretary and Chartered Governance Professional qualifications for the governance professional in Hong Kong, and the Mainland, China.

  7. The Examination Admission Slip must be downloaded and printed on plain white A4 size paper. Candidates must not write anything on their admission slips. Electronic version is not acceptable. Check carefully the starting time for the examination. No extra time will be allowed at the end of the examination for candidates who are late.

  8. Students who have successfully fulfilled the programme assessments (i.e. passed the assignment AND take home mock examination PLUS attended at least 70% of the classes) will be awarded within the HKU system through HKU SPACE "Certificate for

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