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  1. 您的登入名稱或密碼不正確,請再嘗試。The login ID or password your provided is incorrect. Please try again. 請輸入你的登入名稱及密碼!Please input your login ID

  2. 教城一直致力推動學界善用資訊科技,提升學與教效能。. 2010 年 7月起,教城服務擴展至手機平台,透過智能手機瀏覽教城資料及服務,只須一按你的手機,資訊盡在掌握,簡單方便! 學校地圖 首個結合實時學校資料、地標位置和街道實景的學校地圖。. 學校 ...

  3. Latest Resources

  4. School Reports My Dashboard Student Scheme 主要內容 What's New 2023-09-01 Summer English 2023 results out now (Read More) 2023-07-12 The first challenges of Summer English are now available! (Read More) About EdCity Overview ...

  5. Microsoft登入. If you have affiliated your Microsoft account to an EdCity account on or before 25/10/2022, please reconfirm your affiliation. Reaffiliation. If you have new affiliation to a Microsoft account, or you have confirmed your affiliation / reaffiliation on or after 26/10/2022, please click ‘Microsoft Login’.

  6. The Hong Kong Education City Limited (HKECL) emanated from a Quality Education Fund project to a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the form of an incorporated company, with the vision

  7. Cross-curricular Learning (20) Task-based Learning (4) Self-access Learning (4) Assessment for Learning (5) Annotated Exemplars on Curriculum and Assessment Planning, Learning adn Teaching (3) Non-language Arts (12) Language Arts (19)

  8. 請以網頁瀏覽器Chrome及Firefox最新版本或Internet Explorer 11版本觀看此網站。 私隱政策聲明 服務條款 版權及知識產權 免責聲明 ...

  9. EdCity organises a series of award schemes for students, covering Chinese language, English speaking, creative writing, reading, Science and General Studies, as well as computational thinking and artificial intelligence. There are prizes for schools and individual students.

  10. Cross-curricular Learning (20) Task-based Learning (4) Self-access Learning (4) Assessment for Learning (5) Annotated Exemplars on Curriculum and Assessment Planning, Learning adn Teaching (3) Non-language Arts (12) Language Arts (19)