雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (HKSKH) is the Anglican Church in Hong Kong and Macau. HKSKH constitutes three dioceses and one missionary area, which are Diocese of Hong Kong Island, Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, Diocese of Western Kowloon and Missionary Area of Macau, with more than 50 parishes and mission churches.

  2. 香港聖公會福利協會自1966年成立以來,一直致力為不同年齡和階層人士提供多元化服務,並回應社會所需,開拓倡議性項目. 更多. 幼兒服務. 青少年服務. 安老服務. 家庭及綜合服務. 復康服務. 特殊學習需要服務. 安寧服務. 對外諮詢及培訓. 大灣區事工. 過渡性房屋項目. 九龍城主題步行徑. 醫療康健服務. 社會企業. 基金及支援申請. 上一個 下一個. 他們的故事. 年齡無界限 迎東中心90歲婆婆首奪傑出常青獎. 隨着醫療科技發達,各人關注健康養生,長命120歲也不罕見。 正因如此,把握每個當下,盡己所能發揮所長,正是活出生命「花火」所在。 今年90歲的蕭婆婆,最初是中心服務使用者,性格主動樂觀的她,很快成為中心常客,2018年更成為義工。

  3. The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (abbreviated SKH ), also known as the Hong Kong Anglican Church (Episcopal), is the Anglican church in Hong Kong and Macao. It is the 38th Province of the Anglican Communion. It is also one of the major denominations in Hong Kong and the first in the Anglican Communion to ordain a female priest. [1]

  4. For the ultimate ecumenism within Christ. 30-Jun-2024. The Hong Kong Christian Council, together with the Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, jointly organised their third ecumenical pilgrimage this year from 10 to 22 May.

  5. 騙徒會假冒為你的親人、政府官員,甚至是其他地方的執法部門,然後聲稱自己被拘留或聲稱你涉及洗黑錢案件等等,以索取龐大金額。. 警方呼籲:. 如遇到有人自稱為你的親屬,先致電親人詢問他們是否安全; 如遇到有人自稱執法人員或政府機構職員,應 ...

  6. Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council has been providing multi-faceted services to individuals across all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.

  7. 2023年5月15日 · In 1998 the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (consisting of the Diocese of Hong Kong Island, the Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, the Diocese of Western Kowloon, and the Missionary Area of Macau) was established.

  8. 香港聖公會 (英語: Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui )是 普世聖公宗 的第38個 教省 ,管轄範圍包括 香港 和 澳門 。 聖公會於香港擁有悠久的歷史,於 香港 基督教歷史 上佔有重要的席位。 除了作為一個宗教團體,香港聖公會還積極參與香港社會各大小事務,也是香港主要的辦學團體之一。

  9. 2024年5月10日 · The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archives was established in January 2010. Our website is designed to introduce you to our archival holdings and present materials and photographs which are relevant to the history of our church. Archbishop and Primate Andrew Chan has observed,

  10. Celebrating the 180th Anniversary of the Foundation of Sheng Kung Hui in Hong Kong cum the 25th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. (23-Mar-2023)

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