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  1. 2022年10月1日 · 【英文口說】怎麼回應 "How are you"? 3種必學道地英文讓你回答得更自然! Engoo China. 2022年9月30日 (更新於2022年10月20日) 目錄. 聽者不用花時間接受、處理你的情緒. 你也不用透露太多自己的私事.

    • 英文口說

      I'm feeling groovy today. 我現在狀況超好! I feel ...

    • 形容詞

      Engoo提供學員學習英文的服務。雖然學員可自習研讀這些課程 ...

    • Hi.How are you?嗨!你好吗?很意外吧!其实有很多母语者会用 “Hi.How are you?”来回应 “Hi.How are you?”。
    • I’m fine.我很好。就像开头提到的,课本中都会教我们用 “I'm fine” 来回答,你或多或少也会听过有人说这种回答很呆板,不过其实这种 "中性" 的回答是有很多母语者使用的喔!
    • 提供一些日常的信息。如果你想要听起来更有温度一点,但又不想要把这个招呼打得太长,你可以在上面提供较中性、平淡的用法后面加上一点点细节。-Just… 就......
  2. 2024年8月16日 · 「How are you today?」一種比較隨意的問候語,可以每天使用,而「How do you do?」則是一種較為正式的問候語,通常用於正式場合或與陌生人打招呼。 在回應「How do you do?」時,通常也會以「How do you do?」來回應,表示禮貌和尊重。

    • Formal Ways to Answer “How Are You”
    • Informal Ways to Respond to “How Are You”
    • Idiomatic Ways to Answer “How Are You”
    • Professional Ways to Respond to “How Are You”
    • Funny Ways to Respond to “How Are You”

    Here is a list of the most formal ways you can answer the question “how are you?” and examples of their usage: 1. “I am doing well, thank you.” 2. “I am doing great, thanks for asking.” 3. “Very well, thank you. And yourself?” 4. “I am doing alright, how are you?” Examples of their usage include: 1. If you run into an old friend and they ask, “How ...

    Now let’s look at some of the more informal ways to answer the question “how are you?” and examples of their usage: 1. “Not bad, yourself?” 2. “Pretty good, what about you?” 3. “Hanging in there, how ’bout you?” 4. “Can’t complain, what about you?” Examples of their Usage: These idiomatic responses are best used in casual settings, such as with old...

    Here are some of the idiomatic ways to respond to “How are you?” 1. “Living the dream.” 2. “Pretty peachy.” 3. “Hanging in like a hair on a biscuit.” 4. “As happy as a clam.” These more colorful responses are best used in lighthearted conversations with close friends and family. They demonstrate a sense of wit and humor and can make the conversatio...

    When responding to an email or other form of communication in a professional setting, it’s important to use the more formal responses discussed above. However, there are some other polite ways you can answer “how are you?” in a professional context: 1. “I’m doing well, thank you for asking.” 2. “Everything is going fine, thank you for inquiring.” 3...

    Finally, here are some fun ways to respond to “how are you?”: 1. “Better than I deserve.” 2. “Pretty crappy, but what can you do?” 3. “Not bad for a human.” 4. “Living the sweet life.” 5. “I’m surviving on coffee and sarcasm.”

    • Fine.這個回答較為簡單、直接,但也可視為你不想繼續對話的暗示。
    • Not bad.這個回答較前一個來得友善。
    • Fine, thanks.這是較正式的回答,像是餐廳的服務生等不認識的人詢問你時,可以這樣回應。
    • Very well, thanks.
  3. 2022年5月1日 · How are you帶來的尷尬 很多人在國外生活或者面對英語母語的人的時候,常常聽到How are you而不知道怎麼回答。 想着教科書裏的“fine,thank you.and you?又覺得很奇怪。

  4. 2024年1月12日 · 下次有人問你 “How are you?”你會怎麼回答呢想要加強英文口說和寫作,你應該考多益 (口說與寫作)還是托福? 這5個「AI英文口說」App,強大的真人模擬連美國人都在用

  1. 其他人也搜尋了