雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2013年9月6日 · 了解隱私權條款. 等了兩周~~終於收到了上個月iBasso開放預購,當下看到是立刻刷付,順利搶到前300位本預定是8月底就會拿到~~不過臨時出了亂子iBasso也主動來信告知出貨延期並附上相當有誠意的贈品說是遲,那時快~~~兩周內就立刻交付了今天DHL就來到我家門前按 ...

    • ibasso dx50 評測1
    • ibasso dx50 評測2
    • ibasso dx50 評測3
    • ibasso dx50 評測4
    • ibasso dx50 評測5
  2. Uwants.com 初聽十小時RUN IN 高頻順耳, 人聲偏厚, 低頻刺激.... 整體音場向下, 明顯向歐美市場進發, 主力聽ROCK N ROLL 同POP SONG 既我就合哂口味, 男聲是一大賣點, 推力十足, 推一般大耳牛都不會有問題, 雜食同大路之作, 現在很少DAP 以低頻作賣點, 內有8粒電解電容, ...

  3. 2013年5月17日 · Post76.hk 耳機討論 iBasso DX50 流傳已久的iBasso DX50終於有消息用上電容式touch screen,9V Voltage Swing的headphone driver,最高24 192,最搞笑係指明話同S3舊電一樣可以互換一樣係用WM8740,一樣有 ...

  4. 2015年12月6日 · dx50的體積不算大相比我手上的studio大概大了一圈左右吧,厚度略薄一點,重量略輕一點。拿在手上手感和4.3英寸的觸屏手機差不多,不過稍矮胖一點。dx50的邊角處理得較好,雖然硬朗但不磕手。

    • Design
    • Performance
    • Verdict

    Physical proportions, for instance. The usual ratio of height/width/depth is instinctively known by anyone who’s ever held an iPod or a mobile phone, but at 10 x 6.4 x 1.7cm there’s something just a little bit off about the DX50. It’s too deep. That or it’s not tall enough. And it’s perhaps a fraction too wide. At least the DX50’s aluminium-and-pla...

    Given every chance with a couple of 24-bit/192kHz files (Mozart’s Violin Concerto no. 4 in D major played by Marianne Thorsen and Daft Punk’s still-fresh Get Lucky), the DX50 does great work with the textures of instruments - be they virtuoso violin or earth-moving electric bass. The soundstage that the iBasso establishes is admirably wide, and it ...

    Treat the DX50 to the sort of full-fat file-sizes it deserves and it’s an engagingly perky player. It’s also a player that’s an unnecessary faff to operate, though, and one with a user interface that’s strongly at odds with the modernity of the digital music files it can handle. We like it, but it’s not the best affordable portable hi-res player ar...

    • Ibasso
  5. 2013年9月14日 · The iBasso DX50 is the latest product to come out of the Chinese company iBasso. The DX50 comes in at $239.00 and comes equipped with a single Wolfson WM8740 24-Bit Chip which we see widely used in DAP's such as the Fiio X3 and the Astell & Kern AK100.

  6. 2013年10月13日 · The iBasso DX50 is the company’s second mid-range compact digital media player featuring a proprietary OS and a WM8740 24Bit DAC implementation. It is priced at $239. Disclaimer: The iBasso DX50 was sent to us as a sample in exchange for our honest

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