雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A Christian school dedicated to whole-child education, located in the heart of Hong Kong Island.

  2. 港島基督教學校 (Island Christian Academy)是位處於 中西區 的一所私立小學。 學校是一間基督教的男女校,創校於 2012年,校訓是「love for today, learn for tomorrow and live for eternity」, 校長為Ms Middleton Deborah Ruth。 學校的上課時間是全日,教學語言是英語和普通話,每年有測驗0校監次及考試0次。 由於港島基督教學校是私立小學,學生每年須繳付學費$122300。 學校共有小一班、小二班、小三班、小四班、小五班和小六班。 學校的聯絡資料如下: 地址:香港必列者士街70號 電話: 2537 2552 傳真:28587271.

  3. 香港中華基督教青年會(Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong)旗下的私立小學 YMCA Christian Academy 於 2012 年創校,提供英國 International Primary Curriculum (IPC) 課程,並於 2019 年獲得 CIS 認可。

  4. 雖然大家都係標榜自由學習, 但結果就好唔同. ica係一間對孩子好有愛心嘅學校, d小朋友都好友善, 學校好重視德育, 而且成個school community都好warm, 好close, 學術上絕對唔會低過英基, 但係因為一班人數比較少, 老師可以睇得小朋友緊d. 我唔係話esf唔好, 我家老二重係 ...

  5. Island Christian Academy. 地區: 香港. 地址: 香港上環必列者士街70號. 香港特別行政區. 22° 17' 1.806" N, 114° 8' 49.2972" E. See map: Google Maps. HK.

  6. In August 2012, Island Christian Academy (IslandCA) opened its doors at 70 Bridges Street. This was the culmination of a long-held dream of the Small World Christian Kindergarten community: to establish a primary school on Hong Kong Island, founded on the same vision, mission, and values as the kindergarten.

  7. Chinese Studies. Students have Chinese Studies classes daily, taught by experienced, specialist Chinese (Putonghua) speaking teachers. There are three ability-levelled pathways. Our programme promotes a love of Chinese language and culture, and enables students to progress towards fluency. Christian Studies.