雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Any comments about this school? ,教育王國 我入swck冇秘訣, 我家老大係swck最後一年幼稚園下學期插班, just happen 佢地有位. 後來入小一又未有著落, 咁啱佢地開一班Y1, 14人, 我地梗係即刻報啦.

  2. 2021年6月24日 · Island Christian Academy (ICA) GCE最後公佈不搬遷不成立新學校接收原來ICA的學生⋯⋯意味ICA的師生之後都會被CYMCA接管。. 想問吓家長會接受學校管理由GCE轉到CYMCA嗎?. 會繼續讓小朋友留低喺ICA嗎?. 竟然係咁!. 竟然係咁!. 老師呢?. 課程呢?. 全部沿用ICA嗰套?.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. A Christian school dedicated to whole-child education, located in the heart of Hong Kong Island.

  5. In August 2012, Island Christian Academy (IslandCA) opened its doors at 70 Bridges Street. This was the culmination of a long-held dream of the Small World Christian Kindergarten community: to establish a primary school on Hong Kong Island, founded on the same vision, mission, and values as the kindergarten.

  6. Island Christian Academy benefits from Generations Christian Education’s 35 years of experience in designing and implementing holistic programmes of learning. At IslandCA, we deliver a broad, creative, developmental and international curriculum, rooted in a clear Biblical philosophy and vision of education.

  7. Island Christian Academy (ICA) 帖子列表 登錄 fufuhehe | 2021-06-24 13:40 GCE最後公佈不搬遷不成立新學校接收原來ICA的學生⋯⋯意味ICA的師生之後都會被CYMCA接管。 想問吓家長會接受學校管理由GCE轉到CYMCA嗎?會繼續讓小朋友留低喺ICA嗎 ...

  8. 兜兜轉轉, 比較完後, 我覺得我真的可以比較中肯地寫一下ICA. 有看過我之前的POST的話, 大家都知我個女由Y1~Y2, 係ICA兩年. 暑假前, 英基通知我地有位, 我地猶豫下, 最後都轉左佢去, 主要係有中學直升, 設施好D, 而且我近我地屋企.