Jurlique HK 薰衣草護手霜,能深層保濕、滋潤及保護手部肌膚。 蘊含薰衣草、金盞花、霍克草等天然植物萃取,幫助延緩老化,令雙手回復柔軟幼滑。 Jurlique 香港官方網店精選花卉水、面霜、護手霜、身體護理等一系列人氣產品,香港澳門免運費,100% 正貨保證。
ROSE HAND CREAM. 我們最備受愛戴、經典原創的產品 矜貴豐盈的護手霜蘊含由Jurlique南澳活機農場種植和提取的玫瑰萃取,散發令人沉醉和振奮的經典花香 注入舒緩鎮靜的草本萃取,保持雙手水潤柔嫩,備受呵護. HK$210 / 40mL. HK$410 / 125mL. 立即購買. 適合膚質所有膚質 ...
手部護理. 蘆薈護手霜. Aloe Vera Hand Cream. 價格 HK$210 / 40ml. 限量版玫瑰護手霜. Exclusive Edition Rose Hand Cream. 價格 HK$290 / 75mL. 檸檬活肌護手乳. RESTORING HAND LOTION.
Jurlique HK 香港澳門滿HK$500免運費,采用源自南澳專屬活機農場的植物花卉,融合獨特的萃取技術,將植物中的自然能量注入護膚產品。 立即挑選網店臻選產品,完成從種子到肌膚的護膚儀式!
柑橘護手霜 40ml/125ml. .完美手護 滑嫩白皙. .蘊含紫錐花、雛菊和胡蘿蔔菁萃. .乳霜質地裡添加醒膚柑橘精油. .提供雙手長效滋養與潤澤. .質地清爽,有效淡化黯沉柔嫩雙手. 至11/10 08:00截止 全店,【免運優惠】全館消費滿$2,500 免運費. 至11/13 08:00截止 全店 ...
Clean, soften, moisturize and repair the skin of the hands, with an elegant and charming floral fragrance. Enjoy free delivery within Hong Kong and Macua with shopping over HK$500 at Jurlique HK e-shop. Shop now to enjoy extra gift with purchase, VIP points
Nourish your hands with Jurlique's natural hand creams and lotions designed to deliver long lasting moisture instantly. Whether you have sensitive and dry hand skin or are just battling the elements, these softening, dewy formulas with delicate flower extracts will soothe every crack of your hands.
Rose Hand Cream is enriched with botanical extracts to soothe and calm the skin, leaving hands hydrated and protected. The cream features an uplifting signature scent of Rose, grown and extracted on our biodynamic* farm in the Adelaide Hills.
Rich, protective hand cream to rebalance dryness and restore smoothness. Provides lasting hydration and possesses natural-based antioxidant properties. Leaves hands feeling soft and supple.
With a rich and buttery texture, this hand cream is quickly absorbed to nourish and hydrate hands, leaving no greasy residue. Potent botanical extracts soothe and calm the skin and provide lasting hydration for soft, smooth hands.