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  1. 2022年11月10日 · Kano Model 是東京理工大學教授、日本品質管理大師狩野紀昭(Noriaki Kano)發明的對用戶需求分類和優先排序的有用工具, 以分析用戶需求對用戶滿意的影響為基礎,體現了產品性能和用戶滿意之間的非線性關係。 二、了解 Kano Model 模型分析法的需求屬性分類. 在利用Kano Model進行分析之前,首先要了解一下Kano Model 所涉及的屬性分類。 通過對需求的滿意度、具備度二維分析,Kano Model 將需求劃分為基本型、期望型、興奮型、無差異型、反向型五類,分別以英文字母M、O、A、I、R表示。 使用 KANO 模型轉列出四象限圖,四個象限對應了四種需求型別,它們的優先排序為:基本型需求 > 期望型需求 > 興奮型需求 > 無差異型需求 > 反向型需求。

  2. The Kano Model (pronounced “Kah-no”) is an approach to prioritizing features on a product roadmap based on the degree to which they are likely to satisfy customers. Product teams can weigh a high-satisfaction feature against its costs to implement to determine whether or not adding it to the roadmap is a strategically sound decision.

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Kano_modelKano model - Wikipedia

    The Kano model is a theory for product development and customer satisfaction developed in the 1980s by Noriaki Kano, which classifies customer preferences into five categories. Categories.

  4. KANO模型分析方法是狩野紀昭基於KANO模型對顧客需求的細分原理,開發的一套結構型問卷和分析方法。KANO模型分析方法並不直接用來測量顧客的滿意程度,主要用於識別顧客需求,幫助企業瞭解不同層次的顧客需求,確定使顧客滿意的關鍵要素。

  5. By understanding the three types of customer needs and how to reveal them, you’ll better know your customers' true needs and how to address them. The Kano model is useful in gaining a thorough understanding of a customer’s needs.

  6. KANO 模型是东京理工大学教授狩野纪昭(Noriaki Kano)发明的对用户需求分类和优先排序的有用工具,以分析用户需求对用户满意的影响为基础,体现了产品性能和用户满意之间的非线性关系。

  7. 2023年7月31日 · Kano Model (也叫 狩野模型)是產品需求分析時會用到的經典模型,它能進行系統的需求梳理,對需求進行分析和提煉,提高效率。 任何一個產品,都會涉及到很多的需求,老闆、業務、客戶提的各種需求時常紮堆,哪怕一個小功能、次級頁面經常都會爭得不可開交。 哪個需求對用戶來說最重要? 客戶對我們的新功能是否滿意? 開發產品資源有限,開發、設計、測試人手總是不夠用,...

  8. The Kano Analysis model (pronounced “Kah-no”), also known as the “Customer Delight vs. Implementation Investment” approach, is an analysis tool that enables you to understand how customer emotional responses to products or features can be measured and explored.

  9. 2024年2月25日 · The Kano model, also known as the “Customer Delight vs. Implementation Investment” strategy, is a product development framework. It works by prioritizing features based on their impact on the user compared to how much effort went into building them.

  10. 2014年3月19日 · The Kano Model is an insightful way of understanding, categorizing, and prioritizing 5 types of Customer Requirements (or potential Features) for new products and services. It was created in the early ’80s by Japan’s professor Noriaki Kano but continues today to be an essential tool for all organizations independent of industry or size.

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