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  1. kfc 外賣速遞餐牌 相關

  2. 壽司以100%日本產珍珠米及日本醋製作,配搭新鮮食材,呈獻最正宗的日本壽司滋味! 元気提供24小時網上訂購服務,可於全線近80間元気分店取貨,最快即日取貨,方便快捷。

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    Support Your Local Restaurants by Having Your Meals Delivered Right to Your Door. To Promote A Safer Delivery Experience, All Orders Are Now Left at Your Door By Default


  1. 2017年9月4日 · Just a short walk from Takadanobaba Station in Tokyo is a KFC chain that is offering all-you-can-drink starting at 5 p.m. Ordinarily priced at ¥1,600 (US$14.50), you’re allowed as many drinks as you want for 90 minutes, and you’re not cut off from requesting a refill until the entire hour and a half have passed.

  2. 2019年11月15日 · Like many buffets in Japan, KFC Restaurant has different pricing plans depending on the day or time, starting at ¥1,980 (US$18) for adults for the 80-minute lunch buffet on weekends, while on weekends the price is ¥2,180. The 90-minute dinner buffet, meanwhile, is always ¥2,580, and adding all-you-can-drink alcoholic beverages tacks on ¥1,250.

  3. 2018年7月16日 · KFC is offering the all-you-can-eat deal for “dinner time,” which it defines as any time past 4 p.m. A complete list of participating locations can be found here (in Japanese). Reservations are required, and can be made in person at participating branches or over the phone.

  4. 成田機場美食推薦1:日本版食料理「茶泡飯」|だし茶漬けえん. 看似簡單快速的「茶泡飯」,被視為日本版食料理,其實高湯裡蘊含的學問最大,平凡無奇的清湯卻擁有深度美味,只有親自吃過才能體會。. 使用數種魚乾和昆布熬煮的和風高湯,其中混合 ...

  5. 「めしの助」是早上7點就開始營業的和食早午餐店,從和食早餐的看板料理「烤魚定食」,到有點小奢侈的「海鮮丼」,讓沒有早餐店的日本上班族可以在出勤前吃到熱騰騰的豐盛菜色,開啓辛勤的一天。除了菜色豐富外,後還提供有1杯現煮的咖啡,絕對是值得你早起也要來嚐鮮的好去處!

  6. 送禮自用兩相宜的食品模型. 不知道大家在日本有沒有留意到日本的餐廳還有咖啡廳的櫥窗,裡面經常會擺放著很逼真讓人看到後便垂涎欲滴的仿真美食模型。. 不管你餓不餓看見這些仿真模型,就會有一種食慾大動的感覺。. 這些仿真模型往往製作得非常精致 ...

  7. 誰說飯糰不能是下酒菜?店內小酌或是外帶都適合的創作系手作烤飯糰端賣店「GAO」,就是要證明烤飯糰跟美酒才是絕配!各式創作系的烤飯糰價格從190日圓起跳,不僅有使用日本各地名產作配料的烤飯糰,也有以各國料理為主題的烤飯糰,甚至還有甜點烤飯糰;搭配米釀的啤酒或是日本各地銘酒 ...

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