雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2014年9月10日 · 提醒同事回覆電郵,較常見會用到“kind reminder”或 “friendly reminder”,例如 “Kindly be reminded to submit your sales report today.”。 如果已經催完又催,「溫馨提示」已發過好幾次,又或者情況嚴峻,希望對方真的盡快回覆電郵,又可以怎樣寫呢?

  2. 「提醒英文」 短句. 1. Kindly be reminded to submit your sales report today. 提醒你一下今天要交銷售報告哦! 2. I was wondering if you have had a chance to look at the email below yet. Our customer enquired about it earlier this week. 不知道你今天有沒有空看看下面這封電郵,我們的客人這週稍早有在問。 「 提示英文 」 完整版. I’m just emailing to check you got the XXX Report I sent you last week.

  3. 2023年8月16日 · 讓我們進入商務英語的世界,學習如何用英語“kindly remind你的上司或同事去做好必要的工作。 設定情境:了解情況 想像一下,你發送了一封重要的電子郵件,請求對方回覆或行動,但只得到了沉默作為回應。

  4. 2012年8月21日 · 英文通常稱這類提示為friendly reminders或gentle reminders,用客氣的語調提醒重要事情,以免顯得硬倔無禮貌,迫得太緊。 內容方面,應簡短說明甚麼事 (what)及何時 (when),記得reminder emails必須連同原本的電郵一併寄出,不用更改原先電郵的主旨。 以下有幾個適用於不同情況的reminder emails供參考。 例一,提醒老板出席活動 (必須副傳其秘書): Dear xxx. Kindly be reminded to attend the opening ceremony of xxx. Date: 24 Aug (this Fri) Time: 2-3pm. Venue: Hall 5E, HKCEC. Best regards.

  5. "kindly remind that" is correct and usable in written English. It can be used when asking someone to be reminded of something, such as a meeting or deadline. For example, "Please kindly remind that I have a meeting at 3:00 PM tomorrow.".

  6. 如果要用英文表達「提醒」,你可能第一個就會想到「remind」,但 remind 不只有提醒的意思,而且還有很多不同的用法。 想要好好認識 remind 的話,就趕快跟上我的腳步 🏃‍♀️ Let’s get started!

  7. 2023年9月21日 · A reminder email is sent to remind the recipient to take a specific action or to ensure they haven’t forgotten something. In professional and academic arenas, reminder emails are often sent to make sure meetings are scheduled, documents are shared, information is acknowledged, and deadlines are met.

  8. Writing. How to write a reminder email with 9 email samples and templates. This guide has all you need to send professional and polite reminder emails. Read our best tips and use the 9 email samples at the end. Lawrie Jones. Writer. What's the face you make when someone forgets to do something? Maybe a 🥴 or a 🥱.

  9. 'kindly remind you that' is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you are trying to gently remind someone about an important event, task, or obligation. For example: "I'd kindly remind you that the report is due tomorrow." exact ( 4 )

  10. 2021年3月29日 · 你使我想起了我以前認識的人。 例: You remind me of your father when you say that. 你這樣說使我想起你父親。 例: He reminds me of my dad. 他使我想起了我父親。

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