雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. kith.com › pages › locationsLocations – Kith

    49 Rue Pierre Charron. Paris, FR 75008. Kith Toronto. 78 Yorkville Ave. Toronto, ON M5R 1B9, Canada. Kith Tokyo. Miyashita Park North 1st Floor & 2nd Floor. 6-20-10 Jingumae Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo. Kith Seoul.

  2. kith.comKith

    Kith and Auralee introduce a special Kith 101 collection of suiting, outerwear, knitwear, and more, made for a premium hand-feel. SHOP NOW A CLOSER LOOK SELECTS Kith 101 for Auralee

  3. 2019年2月19日 · Kith x Versace 全港首間限時概念店進駐海港城. 19 Feb, 2019. Kith 與 Versace攜手推出首個聯乘系列,以 Kith 獨特的個人風格,演繹意大利時尚傳奇的華麗本色。 系列以 Versace 經典印花及剪裁作藍本,從 Kith 獨有的角度勾勒全新面貌。 整個系列逾百件單品,包括男、女裝服飾、鞋履及配飾等。 是次聯乘系列更見證 Versace 的經典 Medusa 頭像首次改頭換面,在雙眸蓋上Kith的品牌標誌。 1/4. 系列各款服裝均由 Kith 設計,選用 Versace 的奢華布料,構成真正薈萃兩方精髓的聯乘系列。 全部產品均於意大利製造,布料不乏特製的織品如絲綢、綢緞、絲絨、尼龍及抓毛等。 所有金屬飾物皆為特別訂製,綴有兩大品牌的特色細節。

  4. kith.com › pages › kith-manhattanKith Manhattan

    Located at 337 Lafayette Street in the heart of Manhattan, the Kith Manhattan flagship store first opened its doors in 2017. Designed by artist Daniel Arsham and his firm Snarkitecture, the three stories include a rotating collaborative space on the second floor, a Kith Treats cereal bar, and plaster-casted Air Force 1 columns throughout.

  5. www.wear43way.com › zh › collectionsKITH NYC - WEAR43WAY

    門市地址︰香港旺角百寶利商業中心11樓01室 營業時間︰星期一至日.下午1時至晚上九時 查詢熱線︰+852 9145-7291(星期一至五.下午1時至晚上九時)

  6. Located at 337 Lafayette Street in the heart of Manhattan, the Kith Manhattan flagship store first opened its doors in 2017. Designed by artist Daniel Arsham and his firm Snarkitecture, the three stories include a rotating collaborative space on the second floor, a Kith Treats cereal bar, and plaster-casted Air Force 1 columns throughout.

  7. 2017年10月6日 · In addition to the brand’s retail locations in Brooklyn and Miami, KITH has recently opened up its newest spot in NYC’s NoHo district. The store’s brown brick exterior with a simple white ...