雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. For the relief of mild to moderate pain including rheumatic and muscular pain, backache, neuralgia, migraine, headache, dental pain, dysmenorrhoea and feverishness. For oral administration and short-term use only. Adults, the elderly and young persons over 12 years of age: The minimum effective dose should be used for the shortest time ...

  2. 2024年6月14日 · 布洛芬(Ibuprofen)用於緩解各種疾病引起的疼痛,例如頭痛、牙痛、生理痛、肌肉疼痛或關節炎(Arthritis)。也用於退燒、緩解由感冒或流感所引起的輕微疼痛和不適。(同場加映:月經來不舒服!經痛原因與5方法緩解)

  3. Korus Ibuprofen药片 400毫克. For the relief of mild to moderate pain including rheumatic and muscular pain, backache, neuralgia, migraine, headache, dental pain, dysmenorrhoea and feverishness. For oral administration and short-term use only.

  4. Korus Ibuprofen 400mg 100Tablets. 它們用於不同種類痛症,例如頭痛、 牙痛、經痛等。常見副作用有腸胃不適、肚瀉、噁心、嘔吐、頭痛等。於進餐時或餐後服用非類固醇消炎藥以減輕對胃部的刺激。, 非類固醇消炎止痛藥, Ibuprofen 400 mg, Ibuprofen 400 mg, HK-60975.

  5. 2023年3月29日 · Ibuprofen 布洛芬過量會有傷胃的風險,劑量的拿捏也是關鍵。Ibuprofen 布洛芬劑型有200、400、600和800毫克,一般不建議1天吃超過1200毫克。每種情況使用Ibuprofen 布洛芬的劑量和間隔時間不同,可以詢問醫師。

  6. For the relief of mild to moderate pain including rheumatic and muscular pain, backache, neuralgia, migraine, headache, dental pain, dysmenorrhoea and feverishness. For oral administration and short-term use only. Adults, the elderly and young persons over 12 years of age: The minimum effective dose should be used for the shortest time ...

  7. 2021年10月29日 · KORUS IBUPROFEN TABLET 400MG Registration No.: HK-60975 Certificate Holder: LSB (HK) LIMITED Certificate Holder Address:

  8. Relief of mild to moderate pain including rheumatic & muscular pain, backache, neuralgia, migraine, headache, dental pain, dysmenorrhoea & feverishness.

  9. 西药止痛药类别 › 非类固醇消炎止痛药. Korus Ibuprofen 400mg 100Tablets. 它们用於不同种类痛症,例如头痛、 牙痛、经痛等。常见副作用有肠胃不适、肚泻、恶心、呕吐、头痛等。於进餐时或餐后服用非类固醇消炎药以减轻对胃部的刺激。, 非类固醇消炎止痛药, Ibuprofen 400 mg, Ibuprofen 400 mg, HK-60975.

  10. 2023年8月8日 · 布洛芬 (Ibuprofen)是常見的非類固醇消炎藥,多用於退燒及紓緩痛楚,Bowtie一文拆解布洛芬的功效及副作用,並了解正確的服用方法。.

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