雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月2日 · KYC is the process of gathering a customer’s personal data and checking if this data is accurate. In other words, it is a process of identification and verification of the client’s data. The Hong Kong government has released several regulations for KYC.

  2. Hong Kong KYC requirements. When it comes to KYC requirements in Hong Kong, the following CDD measures are mandatory for financial institutions: Identifying and verifying customers using documents, personal data, or information provided by a reliable and independent source.

  3. Frequently Asked Questions on Customer Due Diligence. Q1: The Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (“AML Guideline”) requires Authorized Institutions (“AIs”) to obtain information on the business address of a corporate customer if its business address is different from the registered office address.

  4. 2019年1月23日 · Registered trust or company service providers (TCSPs) in Hong Kong have a statutory requirement to request KYC documents from prospective clients.

  5. The very nature of KYC and AML regulations globally prohibits organizations from following a uniform KYC model. In an ever-changing regulatory landscape, with no standardized model, the processes and rules for collecting, maintaining, and updating client data differ vastly across banking organizations.

  6. 2023年1月17日 · KYC 意即 Know Your Customer ( 了解你的客戶) ,是銀行了解和核實客戶身份的過程;也是銀行按監管要求進行盡職審查 (Customer Due Diligence) 的必要過程之一。 銀行要求企業提交什麼 KYC 資料? 無論企業需要開立銀行戶口,還是申請貸款,銀行必然需要企業提交以下四大類別的資料︰. 公司資料 ︰例如公司名稱、註冊地址及號碼等。 業務資料 ︰例如公司從事的行業、業務性質等。 股東架構 ︰包括不同股東的佔比、完整的股東架構 ( 包括最終擁有人) 。 關鍵人士身份及授權 ︰董事和最終擁有人的身份認證。 上述資料主要是協助銀行識別和核實企業的身份,以及評估企業參與洗黑錢、恐怖分子資金籌集等這類金融犯罪活動的風險。

  7. 2018年6月21日 · In many ways, Hong Kong sets the gold standard for KYC regulations and the ease with which it enables companies to comply with them. But even with its outstanding set of AML and onboarding rules, the code and its application isn’t without challenges – challenges that Know Your Customer’s automated solution is uniquely suited to overcome.

  8. 1. Overview. Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations require financial institutions to adopt measures which mitigate the risk of money laundering in a manner that is tailored and commensurate with a financial institution’s business profile.

  9. Advance KYC in Practice - Best Practical Examples and Case Studies with reference to HKMA AMLO Guidance. Programme Code: HGCP00P24041. 18 April 2024 (Thursday) 7:00pm – 10:00pm.

  10. The KYC Process in Hong Kong. Digital Customer Onboarding. A glimpse into the digital customer onboarding process and the impact of automation on KYC compliance. Automated Data Verification. How automation simplifies data verification to meet KYC requirements in Hong Kong. Enhanced Due Diligence.