雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 宣傳及推廣

  2. 最新職位空缺. 有意參加「中高齡就業計劃」的求職人士需於受僱時年滿40歲或以上,並在受僱日期前1年內失業不少於1個月。. 參加「中高齡就業計劃」的求職人士會獲僱主安排指導員及提供在職培訓,以協助盡快掌握工作所需的技能。. 求職人士無需預先登記 ...

  3. A Guide to Part XII of the Employment Ordinance (Chapter 57) and Employment Agency Regulations. A Guide to The Contracts for Employment Outside Hong Kong Ordinance. Clarify Your Employment Status Protect Your Rights and Benefits. Easy-to-use Employment Services of the Labour Department.

  4. 主要勞工法例一覽. 僱傭條例(香港法例第 57 章). 工廠及工業經營條例(香港法例第 59 章). 僱員補償條例(香港法例第 282 章). 職業安全及健康條例(香港法例第 509 章). 最低工資條例(香港法例第 608 章). 如欲查閱與勞工法例事宜有關的條例及附屬法例 ...

  5. 提供職位空缺刊登及搜尋,及各種就業資訊,如求職及面試要訣、進修途徑、就業統計數據等。

  6. 為特定群組提供的服務 中高齡求職人士 5.14 勞工處為中高齡人士提供專項就業服務及推動他們就業,例如在就業中心設立特別櫃台為中高齡求職人士提供優先登記及就業轉介服務、舉辦僱主經驗分享會,以及舉辦專為中高齡人士而設的就業講座和招聘會。 5.15 此外,勞工處推行「中高齡就業計劃 ...

  7. 意見、查詢及投訴 熱線電話及地址 無障礙統籌經理及無障礙主任 對本網站的評價.

  8. To assist employers and employees to draw up written employment contracts, the Labour Department has prepared a sample employment contract for their reference. The sample covers the major entitlements and protection enjoyed by employees under the EO.

  9. Administration Division. Note : The organisation chart aims to include details of officers filling the directorate posts on a long-term basis. Temporary staff movement in respect of these posts will not be.

  10. The Labour Department publishes the Code of Practice in Times of Adverse Weather and “Extreme Conditions” (COP) and provides reference guidelines for employers to make appropriate work arrangements according to the business nature, operational needs and urgency of service of their establishments.

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