雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年8月10日 · Sample 1. Email Subject: Thank you and Goodbye. Dear all, Sad to tell you that I am leaving the company today. I want to make clear my gratitude for being able to get to know you both professionally and personally over the (past 3 years). Without your friendship, support and collaboration, my time here would not have been the same.

  2. 2018年6月5日 · 可以的話,不妨留下私人電郵和電話號碼作日後聯絡,表現出你是一個重視關係的人,亦能告訴「舊同事」即使離開也能做朋友。. It might be my last day here, but we can still keep in touch. (今天是我在公司的最後一天,但我們仍可保持聯絡。. You may contact me at _______ or by ...

  3. 2024年2月21日 · My last day here will be [insert last day]. I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to each of you for your support, guidance, and friendship during my time here. I have truly enjoyed working with such a talented and dynamic team, and I will always cherish the memories we have created together.

  4. 2024年2月20日 · Farewell letter離職感謝信寫得好,能助您在公司團隊和其他同事心目中留下正面印象,同時能表達自己對同事和主管的讚賞和感激,保持情誼與人脈。

  5. EXAMPLE. I would like to inform you that I am leaving my position at XYZ Company, and December 31 would be my last working day. Express appreciation. You should proceed to express your gratitude and appreciate their good working relations. If the recipient is one’s boss, one should thank them for the opportunity to work in the organization.

  6. 告別同事的最後一天,無疑是人生中一個富有情感的時刻。. 這一刻標誌著你即將踏上新的職業征程,離開與你共事、相處良久的同事們。. 為了表達感激之情、告別祝福,一封精心寫作的Farewell email是必不可少的。. 在這篇文章中,我們將探討如何向同事寫一封 ...

  7. 2021年11月2日 · 一般離職函電郵範本. Email subject: Goodbye. Dear team, I would like to inform you that <Day, Date> will be my last day with <Company/Organisation>. I am leaving the company with great gratitude for all of your support and for making my time here enjoyable. I will miss working with all of you.

  1. 其他人也搜尋了