雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「健康快車」是特別建造的眼科火車醫院,由四個火車車廂組合而成,包括有手術室、病人休息室、多用途會議室和醫護人員起居室,旨在為內地貧困白內障患者提供免費手術治療,讓病人恢復視力後,開始新的人生。

  2. Lifeline Express Hong Kong Foundation is a registered charitable organization (IRD File No: 91/4895) established in 1997 in Hong Kong, to raise funds to support the operation of the Lifeline Express. Lifeline Express is a well-equipped hospital eye-train, aiming to provide free operations for the underprivileged cataract patients in Mainland China.

  3. Home | Lifeline Express 健康快車. Latest News. Passing on the legacy. After 22 years of service, the first Lifeline Express hospital Eye-train, plate number G1997.7.1 - 1 was officially retired from service. It was put on display in the permanent collection of the China Railway Museum in Beijing this year.

  4. 健康快车”慈善项目于1997年香港回归之年正式成立,首批运行费用来自香港民众的捐款。 2002年11月,国务院批准中华健康快车基金会在北京成立,自此,中华健康快车基金会作为公募基金会,发动社会和民众力量,配合政府的防盲工作与扶贫规划筹措资金,与香港同胞共同行动,救治更多贫困地区的白内障患者。 时任副总理的吴仪同志担任基金会名誉主席,九届全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席经叔平先生担任第一届理... 获得荣誉. "中华慈善奖-慈善项目奖. "中国消除贫困奖-项目奖. "中国社会组织评估“4A级” "中华慈善奖-慈善项目奖. "影响中国六十年——十大知名原创品牌. "最佳社会责任组织机构. "健康中国2012公益项目媒体推荐奖. "中国社会组织评估“4A级” "全国民族团结进步模范集体.

  5. Lifeline Express, which was founded in 1997, is the sole mobile Eye-Hospital Train providing free surgical operations in China. It is also the base of training eye doctors, an NGO committed to help the needy cataract victims, and a loving charity group. 中华健康快车基金会. 健康快车香港基金. 健康快车一带一路国际光明行. 眼科培训网. Lifeline Express.

  6. 健康快車 Lifeline Express, Hong Kong. 520 likes · 4 were here. 四列眼科火車醫院於內地展開一個個送贈光明的工作。

  7. The Lifeline Express Hong Kong Foundation, a charity organized in Hong Kong, was formed in 1996 to raise money to support the operation of the Eye-Trains. In 2002, The Chinese Foundation for Lifeline Express was organized in Mainland China to enable Mainland organizations and people to join in the effort to raise money to support Lifeline Express.

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