雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 和情缤咖时诞生于1932年, 由比利时北部小镇Lembeke的一家面包房精选天然原料采用独特配方精制而成 。 经历岁月洗礼, 莲乐烘焙集团(Lotus Bakeries)始终贯彻家族式管理方针, 将美味配方代代相传, 以多重美味征服世界的味蕾 。

  2. Lotus Biscoff is a small cookie with a unique taste and crunchiness. There's a lot to share about this cookie--and even more to enjoy! Shop now. How can a small cookie taste so great? The story of Lotus Biscoff starts in 1932 in a local bakery in Lembeke, a Belgian town.

  3. - Lotus焦糖餅乾 Lotus Biscoff這個名字來自兩個詞:BIS來自“ biscuit”,而COFF來自“ coffee”。 很適合用作配咖啡或製作蛋糕餅底。 - 不含人工香料或防腐劑 - 非轉基因和純素食主義者

  4. Lotus Biscoff is the perfectly crafted cookie. Made with non-GMO ingredients, Lotus Biscoff cookies are vegan friendly and contain no artificial colors, no flavors, and no preservatives.

  5. Lotus Biscoff, 一種帶有獨特焦糖味道的餅乾、加上香脆的口感,帶給大家獨一無二的滋味享受。 獨有的焦糖味道,成為與咖啡配搭的靈魂伴侶。 與此同時,Lotus 焦糖餅乾亦能加入到各種在家烘焙的配方中,為你喜愛的成品伴有Lotus可口的滋味。

  6. www.lotusbakeries.com › Lotus-Biscoff › Lotus-Biscoff-CookieBiscoff® cookies | Lotus Corporate

    Lotus ® Biscoff ® is a surprisingly crunchy cookie loved the world over for its unique, caramelised taste. A great match for a cup of coffee, a tasty treat or kitchen ingredient. It starts from the right combination of carefully selected natural ingredients.

  7. 2021年3月29日 · Lotus Biscoff焦糖餅乾用來配咖啡就一流這款蓮花牌焦糖餅最近還新出了焦糖醬脆皮雪條,白朱古力脆皮包住一層香濃的焦糖醬,內裏是雲呢拿雪糕,奶味濃郁,邪惡爆燈!. Lotus Biscoff焦糖脆皮雪條目前只在英國超市有售,希望之後在香港都食到啦~. 可愛毛孩 ...

  8. Lotus Biscoff is a small cookie with a unique taste and crunchiness. There's a lot to share about this cookie--and even more to enjoy!

  9. Soft and chewy Lotus Biscoff cookies with chocolate chips. This easy cookie recipe is packed with Biscoff chunks for a sweet cinnamon taste!

  10. 2023年1月23日 · Make the best Biscoff cookie recipe! Lotus Biscoff spread cookies (AKA cookie butter or Speculoos butter) are the ultimate in homemade desserts! Learn how to make Biscoff Butter cookies, get expert cooking tips, variations for special diets, and more.