雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sailing Schedule Sailing Time : Approx. 60 mins. Maximum of ticket bookings is limited to 6 sets of return tickets per transation. Passengers are required to ensure the fulfillment of the entry requirement of Hong Kong and Macau before boarding.

  2. 香港國際機場海天客運碼頭. <->. 澳門氹仔客運碼頭. 船票表及票價. 旅途指引. 托運行李收費表. 香港(上環)> 澳門(氹仔). 出發時間. 7:30.

  3. www.turbojet.com.hk › en › routing-sailing-scheduleMacau <=> Shekou - TurboJET

    2023年9月29日 · Sailing Schedule Sailing Time : Approx. 60 mins. Macau <=> Shekou. From 29 September 2023. Important Notice: To tie in with the regional pandemic preventive measures, sailing services between Macau and Zhuhai have been suspended until further notice. Macau <=> Zhuhai. From 16 July 2021.

  4. 航線及收費. 時間表. 中環 (五號碼頭) - 長洲. 本航線設有普通渡輪及高速船航班。 普通渡輪分為普通客艙及設有冷氣設備的豪華位客艙。 高速船全船均有冷氣設備。 航班座位以先到先得形式分配,滿座後未能登船之乘客請等候下一班航班。 備註:下列航班時間表採用由左至右,從上而下的橫向排列方式顯示. 下載 渡輪服務航班時間表. 下載 「長者及合資格殘疾人士公共交通票價優惠計劃」 詳情. 由中環開出. 星期一至星期六(公眾假期除外) 01:30. 04:15. 06:10. 07:00. 07:40. 08:00. 08:40. 09:00. 09:45. 10:15. 10:45. 11:15. 11:45. 12:15. 12:45. 13:15. 13:45. 14:15. 14:45.

  5. Cotai Water Jet sailing schedule & fare between Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal and Macau Taipa Ferry Terminal

  6. Operated by Shun Tak-China Travel, TurboJET provides high speed ferry services between Hong Kong, Macau and Shenzhen Fu Yong

  7. 2023年11月7日 · The travel time varies from 60 - 70 minutes, and ticket price is HKD 175-220 for the economy class seat. Two Hong Kong ferry terminals, HK Macau Ferry Terminal, Hong Kong International Airport Sky Pier, are involved for Hong Kong - Macau ferry routes. Two ferry terminals are in use in Macao, including Macau Outer Ferry Terminal and Taipa Ferry ...

  8. 金光飛航提供往來香港與澳門之間的豪華高速渡輪服務,主要航線為香港港澳碼頭來往澳門氹仔客運碼頭,金光飛航亦提供直航船來往香港國際機場及九龍中國客運碼頭,是旅客輕鬆前往這兩個亞洲旅遊勝地的不二之選。

  9. Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal, Schedule, Address, Facilities. Passengers who wish to travel from Hong Kong to Macau can take either TurboJet or the Cotai Water Jet from the terminal. Ferry tickets can already be purchased from the terminal, after which you will need to pass through the immigration counters.

  10. 想買優惠船票澳門旅遊?. 永安旅遊為你提供不同的澳門船票優惠,包括金光飛航、噴射飛航,讓你一年365日都能享受特價船票。. 在永安旅遊訂澳門船票還不定期附送澳門美食餐券或百老匯演出門票,絕對是你訂澳門船票的首選。. 抱歉,請檢查你的網絡 ...

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