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  1. 2019年10月2日 · Buy Drying Lotion from Mario Badescu here. A potent concentrate of calamine, salicylic acid and fast-acting ingredients that will heal and dry a zit with just one drop.

  2. Mario Badescu Drying Lotion. 瞬間淨痘精華(溫和) $ 205.00 $ 148.00. 29ml. 皇牌祛痘產品,性質溫和,不會引起皮膚敏感,能有效去除暗瘡、粉刺、暗粒,解決暗瘡煩惱。 蘊含水楊酸、爐甘石及其他淨痘配方,有效軟化角質,成分滲入暗瘡位置即 ... more. 缺貨中. 想知幾時補貨? 貨到立即電郵通知你. Email Address. 🌟全現貨發售 最快3天送到. 🌟 順豐上門快遞 / 順豐櫃點自取. 🌟 付款方式:FPS / PayMe / 八達通 / AlipayHK / 信用卡 / PayPal. 🛍️ 折後滿$599,全單額外享93*折! 🛍️ 折後滿$680 送面膜美肌2件組合.

  3. To target and heal acne quickly and effectively, we turn to Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, Drying Cream, and Drying Mask. The best-selling lotion contains a potent concentration of calamine, salicylic acid, and fast-acting ingredients to dry and heal a zit with just

  4. Mario Badescu Drying Lotion is a legendary on-the-spot solution that helps dry up surface blemishes overnight. This fast-acting, effective spot treatment contains the following highly effective ingredients: - Salicylic Acid: reduces the appearance of redness of blemishes. - Sulfur: unclog pores. - Zinc Oxide: absorbs excess oil. Awards Won:

  5. Mario Badescu DryingLotion去痘力超強它能吸收多餘的油脂,並有效消炎殺菌去印。 而且溫和性質不會引起皮膚敏感,睡前點在暗瘡上,翌日暗瘡便會變乾、紅腫消失! DryingLotion分成上層的透明液體及下層的粉紅膏狀,使用時不用將兩者搖勻, 只需將整枝棉花捧伸入直至點上粉紅膏狀便可。 適用肌膚:任何肌膚. 產品功效:淨痘. 產品特點:含水楊酸,爐甘石和其他快乾成分,利用晚間睡眠時間修護,收細白頭,淨痘及防止爆發,亦可用於背部及胸部暗瘡,重現明淨健康肌膚. 主要成分:水楊酸,爐甘石和其他快乾成分. 使用方法:晚間完成潔膚,爽膚及潤膚程序後,以棉棒取適量瓶底的粉紅色精華塗抹到患處,無需按摩,讓其自行吸收,早上以水清淨便可. 客戶評論和評分. 3.5 /5. 28則評論.

  6. To target and heal acne quickly and effectively, we turn to Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, Drying Cream, and Drying Mask. The best-selling lotion contains a potent concentration of calamine, salicylic acid, and fast-acting ingredients to dry and heal a zit with just one drop, while remaining gentle and non-irritating.

  7. Shop Mario Badescu‘s Drying Lotion at Sephora. This original, award-winning solution dries up surface blemishes overnight.

  8. Mario Badescu皇牌product就係依枝drying lotion暗瘡水佢係用黎去暗瘡夜晚用左2朝就已經見到消腫,就算係大大粒暗瘡,用多一兩日已經平晒! 真係好work!

  9. This is the original, award-winning on-the-spot solution. Renowned for its ability to help dry up surface blemishes overnight, our iconic Drying Lotion continues to reign as a best-selling favorite amongst beauty editors, celebrities, and professionals worldwide.

  10. Item 2192003. What it is: An award-winning, on-the-spot surface blemish solution that helps dry up surface blemishes overnight. Skin Type: Normal, Dry, Combination, and Oily. Skincare Concerns: Acne and Blemishes. Formulation: Liquid. Highlighted Ingredients: - Salicylic Acid: Reduces redness of blemishes. - Sulfur: Unclogs pores.

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