雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. McLaren Hong Kong is the first and only McLaren dealership to open in Hong Kong (a special administrative region of Mainland China) with our services extending to the greater bay area of Macau. Our dealership is located on the ground floor of the iconic Hopewell Centre, Wanchai – by far Hong Kong’s most culturally diverse and upcoming area.

  2. McLaren Hong Kong, Wan Chai. 3,622 likes · 193 talking about this · 74 were here. McLaren Hong Kong is the sole McLaren dealership in Hong Kong. Situated on the ground floor of Hopewell Centre in...

  3. 2020年10月9日 · 全新 McLaren 765LT 於本周在香港首次亮相,是品牌旗下「Longtail」(LT)系列中的最新型 號,也是 McLaren Automotive 汽車有史以來擁有最先進動力表現、駕駛感最扣人心弦的LT車型。 765LT 在亞洲展開閃電之旅,並於今天在 McLaren 香港陳列室隆重登場。

  4. 2019年3月7日 · 【車迷新蒲點】McLaren灣仔新showroom開幕 最新超辣跑720S Spider任人睇. 蘋果動新聞. 2019年3月7日. 麥拿倫香港自去年開始就逐步由森那美易手到新代理商Adamas Motors,最近全新麥拿倫陳列室在灣仔合和中心開幕,正式掀起麥拿倫香港的新一頁。 McLaren...

  5. You can discover McLaren Hong Kong showroom for the British sports car manufacturer within Hopewell Centre in Wan Chai, at 183 Queen’s Road East. The 5,000 sq. ft. edgy and futuristic showroom, open to visitors since February 2019 and managed by Adamas Motors, offers the full range of McLaren supercars to their customers in Hong Kong.

  6. McLaren Hong Kong. +852 2851 8868. Vehicle details. FavouriteCompare. McLaren Automotive Limited (“McLaren”) makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate and complete. However, errors and omissions may occur from time to time and McLaren is not able to guarantee the accuracy of the information.

  7. 2021年9月23日 · 在香港,McLaren已迅速成為深受高端車迷愛戴的超跑品牌。 McLaren Hong Kong今年比去年同期錄得75%的銷售額增長,足證品牌的受歡迎程度正急速冒升。 備受追捧的765LT Spider搶先其他亞洲城巿進駐美倫美奐的香港陳列室,進一步提升了McLaren在香港的市場地位。 McLaren 765LT Spider具備所有McLaren Longtail的核心價值——卓越性能、限量生產、極致輕量、有如賽道駕駛般的動態,以至全面提升的空氣動力學設計——765LT Spider完美傳承了Coupe的DNA,車重僅增加了49kg,主要來自電動頂篷。 LT Spider的重量僅為1,388kg(DIN重量),比720S Spider輕80kg。