雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Miss Universe 2024 will be the 73rd Miss Universe pageant, to be held in Mexico for the first time since 2007. Sheynnis Palacios of Nicaragua will crown her successor at the end of the event.

  2. 2 天前 · 「環球小姐」(香港區)冠軍將於11月代表香港前往墨西哥參加2024環球小姐全球總決賽,並可獲得總值1百萬港元現金獎。「環球小姐」(Miss Universe)選美大賽主辦機構亦宣布由2024年起,取消參賽選者之年齡上限,以往年齡限制為18至28歲。

  3. Miss Universe is a global organization that celebrates women of all cultures and backgrounds and empowers them to realize their goals and create opportunities for success.

  4. 1 天前 · 闊別 23 年,第 73 屆「環球小姐」(Miss Universe)選美大賽(香港區)選拔賽再度盛大啟動,由’’Zetrix’’ 冠名贊助,招募來自香港的女性參加,展現香港多元文化的機會,期待能夠看見新的環球小姐代表香港走向國際舞台,為香港爭光, 「環球小姐」(Miss ...

  5. 2024年6月15日 · Miss Universe 2024, the 73rd Miss Universe pageant will be held in Mexico later this year. The country known for its rich culture, ancient ruins, dazzling beaches, and incredible cuisine has been chosen to host the competition for the fifth time after 1978, 1989, 1993, and 2007.

  6. 2 天前 · After fully recovering, Opal became a voice for breast cancer awareness, the number one leading cancer for women around the world. Opal will be representing Thailand in November this year at the 73rd Miss Universe pageant, Miss Universe 2024, held in Mexico. The winner of the pageant will be crowned by Sheynnis Palacios as her successor.

  7. Streamed LIVE from the Lao People's Democratic Republic - Miss Universe Laos 2024 Finals Competition! Learn more about the competition at http://www.missuni...