佐敦站(Jordan Station)為港鐵荃灣綫的一個車站,於1979年12月16日啟用。 設有1個島式月台。 佐敦站得名自車站地面的佐敦道,是彌敦道沿途5個地底車站之中,唯一不設任何轉乘功能的車站。
Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on most station concourses. Station layouts are also available.
Is Jordan a Hong Kong MTR station?
Is Jordan a MTR station?
How is Jordan station laid out?
Why is Jordan station named after Jordan Road?
Jordan is a station on the Hong Kong MTR Tsuen Wan line. It has dark green and light green livery. It is named after Jordan Road. Location. Jordan station Concourse. Jordan station Artwork "PERSIMMON"
- Zuǒdūn
- Tso 3 -tun 1
服務時間. 請點此參看. 街道圖. 請點此觀看. 月台全景圖: 快速查閱其他車站 (點按以彈出清單) 黃埔 - 何文田 - 油麻地 - 旺角 - 太子 - 石硤尾 - 九龍塘 - 樂富 - 黃大仙 - 鑽石山 - 彩虹 - 九龍灣 - 牛頭角 - 觀塘 - 藍田 - 油塘 - 調景嶺. 荃灣 - 大窩口 - 葵興 - 葵芳 ...
Jordan metro station's location and serving lines in Hong Kong MTR system map.
港鐵免費接駁巴士上車處. Free MTR Shuttle Bus boarding point. 港鐵免費接駁巴士安排會因應道路交通情況而有所改動,有關最新詳情請留意車站資訊及職員指示。 The Free MTR shuttle bus arrangements are subject to change depending on the road traffic conditions. Please refer to information in the station and staff instructions for current details. . 步行前A 往油麻地站. Walking to Yau Ma Tei Station. 20 分鐘 ( 預計時間)
佐敦站 [a] (英語: Jordan Station )是一座位於香港 九龍 油尖旺區 官涌 彌敦道與佐敦道交界地底,屬於港鐵 荃灣綫的鐵路車站,於1979年12月16日啟用。 站體設計