雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Running the test more than once will give a more accurate picture of your testing speed. The Speed Test checks throughput between your computer and our network to the Internet.

  2. Netvigator redefines broadband by massively upgrading its speed and taking it to higher levels. Choose from 1G to 10G to suit your needs.

  3. Test your internet speed with Netvigator Speed Test and get a certificate.

  4. 為你提供國際級的 Speedtest 測試,使用你的電腦、手機、平板為你的 netvigator、HKBN 家居寛頻,或 csl、SmarTone、3HK 或 CMHK 5G 網絡進行互聯網速度測試。 測試你的連接水平,看看網速是否達到你的要求。

  5. IPv6連接測試. 點擊測試. 作為香港領先的互聯網供應商,網上行致力向用戶提供卓越的寬頻體驗,現正為我們的網上行光纖入屋用戶逐步提供IPv6服務。. 閣下可於此網上行IPv6測試網頁測試您的地區至我們的網上行網頁的IPv6上網連線。. 請點擊上方左手邊的 [點擊 ...

  6. When you perform test through the test website or mobile apps, the System will collect and record data obtained from the test results, including upload and download speed, network latency, packet loss, jitter, connection type, device type and

  7. 通訊事務管理局辦公室寬頻表現測試

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