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    • A-weighted decibels

      Image courtesy of istockphoto.com

      圖片: istockphoto.com

      • A-weighted decibels, or “dBA,” are often used when describing sound level recommendations for healthy listening. While the dB scale is based only on sound intensity, the dBA scale is based on intensity and on how the human ear responds. Because of this, dBA gives us a better idea of when sound can damage your hearing.
  1. 「 A 加權聲音壓力位準」 (A-weighted Sound Pressure Level),單位為 dB(A) :是將每個不同頻率的聲音 dB 值,取 A 加權的「頻率加權函數」,再將經 A 加權後之各頻率的聲音 dB 值,累加起來的總 dB 分貝值,就是 dB(A)。

    • Noise Level Charts | Noise Level DB Charts
    • Decibel Levels 0 – 140 DB
    • Decibel Levels 0 – 180 DB
    • Decibel Levels 10 – 190 Db!!!
    • Decibel Levels 0 – 194 Db!!!!
    • Decibel Levels 0 – 160 Dba
    • Noise Level Standards
    • Noise and Hearing Loss
    • Acceptable Decibel Levels For Residential Areas
    • FAQs

    Most noise level charts show examples of sounds with dB levels ranging from 0 to 140 decibels or in a few cases 0 to 180 decibels. However, sound can go all the way up to190 dB! That’s ground-shattering! But, ist possible, so we will include dB noise charts which include dB levels all the way up to these high dB levels. We will show several dB leve...

    Noise Level Chart 1: Decibel Chart Of Common Sounds

    Let’s start with the lower decibel levels (up to 140 dB). This decibel level chart shows sounds from silence at 0 dB to loud noises at 140 dB such as a jackhammer. This db chart also shows the maximum safe exposure limit for humans which is 85 dB. This doesn’t mean you will sustain any permanent hearing loss or ear damage at this level if you aren’t exposed to it for long periods. However, extended exposure will cause headaches, nausea, and ultimately hearing damage or even hearing loss. The...

    Noise Level Chart 2: Decibel Levels Of Everyday Sounds

    This noise level chart shows the noise effects of sound within the range of 0 – 140 dB. The important thing here is that it shows the effects of noises within different ranges from typical noise levels to irritating noise to hazardous noise to highly hazardous noise.

    Noise Level Chart 3: Decibel Chart Of Common Sounds

    This decibel level chart shows noise effects within the range of 40 – 140 dB. This range of sound ranges from simple, hush noises such as raindrops at 40 dB to loud, explosive sounds such as gunshots or fireworks at 140 dB. Like the previous chart, it shows that exposure to sound at 85 decibels for more than 8 hours per day can cause hearing damage. This chart also shows the threshold of pain at about 130 dB.

    This db level chart shows the noise effects of sounds within the dB range of 0 to 180 dB. At 180 dB, we have moved beyond loud gunshots to the piercing blast of rocket launches. Here is another noise level chart showing examples of regular sounds with decibel levels ranging from 0 to 180 decibels.

    Now we are getting into the big leagues! We are talking about sound up to 190 dB. At this level, we have reached the loudest possible sounds. We are talking about eardrum-bursting sounds. We are talking about the no-go zone!

    This is the ultimate! The loudest possible sound you can imagine. In fact, you can’t imagine it, because it would probably kill you. You will note that beyond 140 dB, even short-term exposure is likely to cause some serious, permanent damage. At this level ( 194 dB) sound waves become shock waves. We are talking about a very high danger level.

    Isn’t this one cool? This noise level chart shows typical sound and their related dBA levels. As we explained before, dBA is just decibels adjusted to take into account the human threshold of hearing (we don’t really hear sound below 1 kHz).

    Noise level standards vary from one country to another and in some cases vary by region. In the US, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)mandates a recommended exposure limit (REL) for noise. The NIOSH REL for noise is 85 decibels. This was arrived at using the A-weighting frequency response (in dBA) over an 8-hour avera...

    As you can see from the noise level charts, decibel charts, and decibel scale charts above, noise can have serious effects. However, we all live in an exciting and bustling world where noise is all around us! From the train station to the park, unless you live in a very remote area, you are likely to be affected by noise pollution. The issue is, th...

    Human hearing is generally thought to be harmed by sound levels of more than 85 decibels (dB). As a result, this is the most common maximum value permitted in industrial areas. However, the acceptable decibel level in residential areas is lower. The acceptable decibel level for residential areas usually varies from state to state and country to cou...

    1. How Many Decibels Is Safe?

    So how many decibels is safe? Sounds of less than 75 decibels are typically safe so even after lengthy exposure, these sounds are unlikely to cause hearing loss. However, you must realize that extended or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss. 85 decibels is about the sound level of a vacuum cleaner.

    2. How Many Decibels Is Too Loud?

    How many decibels is too loud and what is an acceptable noise level for humans? Extended or repeated exposure to sounds at or above 60 decibels is too loud and can cause hearing loss. This means that the acceptable noise level for humans is at or below 60 dB. Even though noises around 60 dB are at safe decibel levels for humans, it’s important that you are not exposed for extended periods. The louder the sound is, the more damage it can cause to your hearing, and also the quicker this damage...

    3. Why Have Noise Level Standards?

    From loud Bluetooth speakers to loud boomboxes, we are all about loudness, we are BOOMSpeaker after all! Here at BoomSpeaker, we are all about sound. When it comes to noise, however, the discussion becomes very serious as noise pollution can have detrimental effects. This is why noise level standards are very important. We discuss a variety of systems from the simplest speakers to the loudest speakers out there. Of course, depending on how you use them, playing speakers can be considered nois...

  2. dB (A) The decibel A filter is widely used. dB (A) roughly corresponds to the inverse of the 40 dB (at 1 kHz) equal-loudness curve for the human ear. With the dB (A) filter the sound level meter is less sensitive to very high and very low frequencies. Measurements made with this scale are expressed as dB (A).

  3. 2021年12月27日 · 聲壓分貝(dB SPL, Decibel Sound Pressure Level) 聲壓分貝才是最常用來代表衡量聲音大小的單位,而我們常用的聲壓分貝是以理論值「人類可聽到的最小音量」在空氣或其它氣體中的聲壓作為基準值設為 0dB。

  4. 聲音的聲壓級如超逾某聲壓級值的累積時間達到百分n,則這個聲壓級值就是聲音的「累積百分n聲級」(n-Percent Exceeded Level),符號為 L n。 我們可以利用統計學的方法來分析特定噪音的「累積百分n聲級」。

  5. The range of sounds measured on the decibel scale is from 0 dB (the quietest sound) to 140 dB (the threshold of pain). Sounds above 85 dB are considered by specialized organizations like NIOSH (the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) to be dangerous to human hearing.

  6. 2020年6月3日 · To use this noise pollution calculator, enter the noise level in deceibels (dB) and it will automatically calculate the maximum amount of time for safe