雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年10月13日 · Here you'll find over 50,000 pages about old Hong Kong to explore, including over 30,000 photos. The content is added by a friendly community of people who enjoy sharing what we know about Hong Kong's history, and you are very welcome to join us .

  2. A few “likes” and “share” of an old photo would already be able to spread the awareness of Hong Kong history. Old photos, reflecting historical facts, are the soul of history. Although occasionally there might be counterfeit or enhanced photos, they could still reflect the overall landscape when comparing with photos from around the ...

  3. This collection includes old photos of Hong Kong dating back to the mid-19th century, with themes on historic buildings, street scenes, social customs and traditions, festivals and people's livelihood.

  4. The Hong Kong Image Database is a digital collection of historical images documenting the Hong Kong experience from the 1840s through to the 1990s. The Database features a wealth of images of Hong Kong, including people, landscapes, infrastructures, villages, agriculture and fisheries activities, industrial settings, housing, buildings ...

  5. 香港舊照片 - 麗池大廈無名路(三):環球小姐殿軍但茱迪. 2018-04-23 admin. 戰後初期佳麗參選的原因,莫過於一夜成名。 至於有此初衷,實亦無可厚非。 當生活既朝不保夕,又目不識丁,惟有趁大好年華,放手一搏,為求一登龍門,改善生活。 然而,竟然有一位大家閨秀,瞞著父母參選,目的只求好玩,豈料爆冷贏得港姐寶座,再奪得環球小姐殿軍。 獲得一紙電影合約的她,並非想著要大紅大紫。 她,只想找得一個好歸宿。 當找到命中註定的愛郎後,便毅然息影;她,便是傳奇女子但茱迪。 一九五二年,年方廿一的但茱迪,出身演藝世家,其貌不算標緻,輪廓不算突出,鼻樑扁平。 不僅如此,由於體弱多病,並未完成大學課程,便由廣州嶺南大學返港養病,其後留港擔任航空公司地勤,兼任父親開設之旅行社董事,衣食無憂。

  6. The Photo Library is the Government’s most important photo archive. The oldest record can be traced back as early as the mid-1800s. Apart from providing an official photographic record of Hong Kong’s progress and development, the Library includes a treasure trove of photos showing the many and varied facets of life in Hong Kong including ...

  7. data.gov.hk › hk-landsd-openmap-old-photos-of-hong-kong舊香港照片 | DATA.GOV.HK

    舊香港照片. 加入書籤. 數據提供機構. 地政總署. 數據分類. 發展、地理及土地資訊. 更新頻率. 當有需要時. 說明. 300 張選自五十年代至七十年代拍攝的舊香港照片顯示街景面貌,於圖像檔的「標題」欄標籤了地區名稱,部分附有街道及建築物名稱。 讀取中... 數據資源. 篩選: 清除. 搜尋. 0 數據資源. 顯示. 8 50 100 200 500. 結果. 下載所有項目 0. 選擇全部項目. 名稱. 格式. 顯示第 0 項結果,共 0 項. 上一頁. 下一頁. 下載歷史數據. 其他資訊. 維護者. 地政總署測繪處查詢熱線. 電話. 2231 3187. 電子郵件. smohq@landsd.gov.hk. 數據集推薦.

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