雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年1月3日 · Olympus E-PL3 (PEN lite) 主要賣點. 最高感光度達 ISO 12800、46 萬點多角度屏幕、AVCHD FullHD Movie. 相機格式. 1310 萬像素,可換鏡頭式數碼相機. 推出日期. 約 ...

    • 相機概要

      Olympus E-PL3 (PEN lite) 比較相機 樣本照片 (22 張相片) ...

    • 6 個用家心得

      評價: 我的第二部Pen機, 對比之前用的EP2, 性能上有大幅進 ...

    • 相關報導

      新機分別有新一代旗艦 PEN E-P3,加入多角度 LCD 設計的 ...

    • 二手市場

      二手 Olympus E-PL3 (PEN lite) 搜尋 在二手買賣區出售你的 ...

  2. 評價: 我的第二部Pen, 對比之前用的EP2, 性能上有大幅進步, AF速度已比得上主流牌子的入門單反, 連拍也不錯, 有1秒5.5張, 反mon取景方便, mon解像雖不 ...

    • (6)
    • Olympus
  3. 2011年9月20日 · The PEN Lite sits between the PEN Mini and Olympus' flagship E-P3, offering a combination of external control points and compact-camera-like handling that may appeal to those who want high image quality in a small package, and are ready to move beyond an 'auto everything' experience.

    • (6)
    • OM System / Olympus
  4. 2011年8月31日 · 原廠雖然已宣稱E-P3、E-PL3E-PM1皆是金屬機身,但後兩者的質感確實還是略遜於E-P3;手中E-PM1,與年初才測過的XZ-1正好都是白色款,兩者不論在外型或是手感上都十分接近,恐怖的是E-PM1還是保留了熱靴及AP2插槽。

    • Ease of Use
    • Image Quality
    • Sample Images
    • Sample Raw Images
    • Conclusion

    Considering that Olympus only announced the E-PL2 at the start of 2011, the appearance of the E-PL3 Digital Pen, also colloquially known as the Pen 'Lite', just over seven months later seems almost indecently quick. According to Olympus, sales of the E-PL2 have now ceased. But, with the tandem launch of the flagship E-P3 and baby of the range E-PM1...

    All of the sample images in this Review were taken using the 12.3 megapixel Fine JPEG setting, which gives an average image size of around 5.5Mb. As they serve as a point of difference from the other compact system cameras - though admittedly Panasonic serves up some very similar effects on its Lumix G series under different names - we always find ...

    This is a selection of sample images from the Olympus E-PL3 camera, which were all taken using the 12.3 megapixel Fine JPEG setting. The thumbnails below link to the full-sized versions, which have not been altered in any way.

    The Olympus E-PL3 enables users to capture RAW and JPEG format files. We've provided some Olympus RAW (ORF) samples for you to download (thumbnail images shown below are not 100% representative).

    While the E-PL2 was essentially a tarted-up E-PL1, with the E-P3 its manufacturer has gone the whole hog in terms of a makeover. However, in Olympus' bid to deliver a Digital Pen that is 'compact and cute', the E-PL3 is a bit of a curio, dropping arguably essential features like a proper handgrip and built-in flash for those more svelte proportions...

    • Olympus
    • Gavin Stoker
    • Metal
  5. 2 天前 · 新機分別有新一代旗艦 PEN E-P3加入多角度 LCD 設計的 PEN Lite 及主打輕巧的 PEN Mini。香港作為無反相機增長最快的地區之一,今日便

  6. OLYMPUS PENこだわりやPEN Liteの軽快さはそのままに、進化した性能も、新しい機能も、より小さなボディーに凝縮する。. それが、第3世代のPEN Lite E-PL3の目指した形でした。. こだわりの1枚をおさめたい人から、気軽に自分らしい表現を楽しみたい人まで ...