雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. on的用法: 1、用在日期前(with dates) We moved into this house on 2 October 1997. (我们是1997年10月2日搬进这栋房子的。 2、用在星期的单数前(with a singular day of the week to refer to one occasion) I’ve got to go to London on Friday. (我周五就到伦敦了。 特殊情况:口语中有时会省略on,如:Do you work Saturdays? (你周六上班的吗?

  2. at, on, in 搭配時間的用法? 在說明這三個介系詞時,我們可以先看看這張圖,這裡很直觀地說明了 at、on、in 的基本概念~ at + 某時間點. 例如:幾點幾分. at noon 在正午 (12 pm) at dawn 在黎明. at midnight 在午夜 (12 am) at 10:10 在十點十分. at dinner 在晚餐時. at sunset 在日落時. *at night 在晚上(這個是比較特別的用法) I get up at 9 am every day. 我每天早上九點起床。 My dad usually works at night. 我爸通常在晚上工作。 📖 小補充:at night 和 in the night 的差別?

  3. If you're asking the specific question regarding the preposition 'on', as to whether ' on next Monday ' is valid, then I would say no it isn't, you would never say ' on next Monday '. You would always say ' I will send you the proposal next Monday '. Alternatively you could say ' I will send you the proposal on Monday '.

  4. It depends on context. Of you want to say that something will happen with 7 days, then 'in the next week' would be OK. But, if it refers to something next week, then we would just say next week.

  5. 2010年10月18日 · “THE next week” is possible with reference to the following week compared to a past or future event, but only “next week” is correct talking about the following week / the next week at the present time (or IN the present time ???) e.g. In / On the first week of our holiday we went seeing the sights in the area.

  6. 2018年6月6日 · 其實這個問題很多母語人士也無法真的說個明白,也有各種解釋,但我把我偏好的一種解釋跟大家分享:. 如一開始所講,in 用在一段較長而「非特定」的時間;at 用在一段「特定」的時刻,而 night 一般是英語人士表示睡前沒事要做的那段「特定時間 ...

  7. with a singular day of the week to refer to one occasion: I’ve got to go to London on Friday. with a plural day of the week to refer to repeated events: The office is closed on Fridays. (every Friday) In informal situations, we often leave out on before plural days: ? ?

  8. 2017年2月4日 · 在英文中,介係詞通常是放在名詞前面。. ”On”、”In”和”At”這三個介係詞則是在表示時間時,用來放在時間的前面。. 但是因為意思都相近,在使用時很容易被它們混淆!. Let’s talk的Rachna老師整理出了在英文句子之中提到時間時,”On”、”In”和”At”這 ...

  9. "on next week" is correct and can be used in written English. It usually refers to something that will be happening at some point during the following week. For example: "I'll be out of town on next week, so I won't be able to meet up with you until the week after.".

  10. 2019年1月7日 · At that time. 當想跟朋友約一個確切時間時,可以直接說 at 時間,或是想要表中午、晚上想做什麼事情,都可以使用介係詞At。. 但是需要特別注意一樣想要表達時段,上下午卻是用in,中午、晚上卻是用at,特別容易搞混。. 上午 in the morning. 下午 in the ...

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