雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.panadol.com › panadol-extendPanadol Extend

    Panadol Extend is a sustained release formulation of paracetamol that is gentle on your body and provides long-lasting relief. It can provide up to 8 hours of relief of pain associated with osteoarthritis, backaches, mild to moderate joint and muscular aches such as sprains, strains and sports injuries.

  2. 必理痛香港. 本產品含有撲熱息痛 (paracetamol),請避免與其他含撲熱息痛 (paracetamol)藥物一起服用。. 許多用以治療疼痛,發燒,傷風感冒症狀的藥物,以及安眠藥,均含撲熱息痛 (paracetamol)。. 每粒含有撲熱息痛 (Paracetamol) 500毫克、咖啡因 (Caffeine) 25毫克、鹽酸去 ...

  3. Discover concise prescribing info for Panadol Extend topical on MIMS including its uses, special precautions, interactions, dosages etc.

  4. 六個病人十多款葯物當中,含撲熱息痛(Paracetamol)的葯丸有必理痛(Panadol),長效必理痛(Panadol Extend),泰諾(Tylenol),Biogesic,及通安 ... 全新必理痛特效止痛退燒藥panadol extend

  5. Generally, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board issues a registration certificate with a validity period of 5 years, and may be renewed for the same validity period thereafter subject to meeting conditions as stipulated in Pharmacy and Poisons Regulation (Cap 138A) reg 36 (7).

  6. 96粒. 缺貨. 到貨後請以電郵通知我. 產品詳情. 有效紓緩各種痛症,功效長達 8 小時。 服用後,第一層會立即釋放藥物,能迅速紓緩痛楚;第二層則會慢慢釋放止痛成份,日以繼夜持續紓緩痛楚。 注冊編號:HK-51316. 保持聯繫. 下載. 來自 800 個品牌的 33,000 多種產品. 免費送貨到任何地方! 需符合細則. 在草莓網以超低價入手 必理痛 的 必理痛 產品!更多優惠貨品等你選購! 買滿 HKD300.00 即免運費!

  7. 4 天前 · Generally, the Pharmacy and Poisons Board issues a registration certificate with a validity period of 5 years, and may be renewed for the same validity period thereafter subject to meeting conditions as stipulated in Pharmacy and Poisons Regulation (Cap 138A) reg 36 (7).

  8. 必理痛特效ADVANCE 止痛藥 | 必理痛香港. 本產品含有撲熱息痛 (paracetamol),請避免與其他含撲熱息痛 (paracetamol)藥物一起服用。. 許多用以治療疼痛,發燒,傷風感冒症狀的藥物,以及安眠藥,均含撲熱息痛 (paracetamol)。. Glycol Salicylate 1.5% w/w, L-Menthol 1.0% w/w, DL-Camphor ...

  9. www.haleonhealthpartner.com › brands › panadolPanadol Extend

    Panadol Extend with its patented bi-layer technology can offer Robert sustained pain relief for up to 8 hours. Containing paracetamol, it is also gentler compared to other prescription pain medications.

  10. 必理痛特效30粒裝. 愛爾蘭. 只供口服。. 每次服一至兩粒, 需要時每隔四小時或以上服用一次。. 二十四小時內不可服用超過 4000 毫克撲熱息痛/ 520 毫克咖啡因 (即八粒必理痛™特效 Advance )。. 不可服用多於指定份量。. 請勿同時服用其他含撲熱息痛的藥物。. 可飽 ...

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