雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Park café以大膽創新的態度詮釋現代烹調理念. 體驗絢爛熱鬧的氛圍與享譽盛名的國際自助餐,陶醉於源源供應的時令海中瑰寶、鮮活壽司刺身,以及一系列揉融這座國際城市文化風貌的特色菜餚。. 靈感源自創意,變化啟迪創新,當您每次踏入Park café,總會期盼 ...

  2. Park café 的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀漆咸道南61-65號香港百樂酒店4樓。. 主要菜式包括 甜品, 生蠔, 刺身, 甜品區, 各式甜品, 火焰雪山, 海鮮, 雪糕, 長腳蟹, 朱古力噴泉, 生果, 燒牛肉, 壽司, 熱盤, PANCAKE, 羊架, 冷盤, 燒羊髀 ...

  3. Park café餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀漆咸道南61-65號香港百樂酒店4樓。

  4. Park café座落於香港百樂酒店 Park Hotel Hong Kong 4樓,以現代化的設計,提供全天候自助餐。 廚師提供精心烹製的環球美食、各式新鮮海鮮、沙律、壽司刺身、烤肉、各款即叫即製的精緻甜品等,款式琳瑯滿目,營造舒適愜意的餐飲體驗。

  5. klook下的buy one get one free lunch buffet (Fri) 人均不用一百七十元下,性價比甚高,食物種類和質素遠超越百幾元。 有即席整梳乎你。 熟食算多,不錯。

  6. Plan your next buffet meal at Park café and secure your seat with us! Whether it is local breakfast selection, all-time favourite hot dishes to fresh seafood and sashimi, our tantalising all-day buffet spreads will keep you coming back for more.

  7. Park café的酒店廚師提供精心烹製的環球美食、各式新鮮海鮮、沙律、壽司刺身、烤肉、各款即叫即製的精緻甜品等,款式琳瑯滿目,為您帶來高級的味覺及視覺享受,營造舒適愜意的餐飲體驗。

  8. 如需協助請與Park Café聯絡。. 電話: +852 2731 2168. 電郵: parkcafe.phhk@parkhotelgroup.com. 地址: 尖沙咀漆咸道南61-65號香港百樂酒店4樓. 我同意香港百樂酒店的 個人資料收集及私隱聲明 。.

  9. Park café's Address, Online Booking, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at 4/F, Park Hotel Hong Kong, 61-65 Chatham Road South Tsim Sha Tsui.

  10. The buy one get one free lunch buffet (Fri) on klook costs less than 170 yuan per person. It is very cost-effective and the variety and quality of the food exceeds a hundred yuan. There is an impromptu comb for you. There is a lot of cooked food, which is good. In terms of sashimi, salmon is the best.

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